ArchaeoTech Podcast

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Tech on a budget- Episode 72

Want to get into the tech space and upgrade your office or fieldwork but either don't have the money or have a limited budget? This episode is for you. Tech doesn't have to be expensive and if you look around you can find high quality items for low prices.

There is also a bonus segment for members of the APN!


App of the Day


Site Recording, it's Not Just Physical Objects - Episode 71

There are other things you can record on a site besides artifacts and features. There's other visual ways to record, including photogrammetry, 360 videos, and imagery for augmented and virtual reality. You can also record sounds, scents, and even taste. Not sure what that would do for you, but, it's certainly an option.


App of the Day


The Future Is Written; It's the Past that Keeps Changing - Episode 48

Metal Detectors in Archaeology - Episode 47

Patrick Severts joins the show to talk about metal detecting in archaeology. Some of the highlights include best practices, recommended equipment, and programs and companies offering training. Listen to learn about the contributions this technology has made to archaeology.


App of the Day:

  • Buycott

  • Metal detector apps - Google them, but don't buy any.

Contact the Hosts:

Adam Spring, Amiga, and Trajan's Forum - Episode 43

Adam Spring joins the show to talk about digital archaeology, 3D scanning, and the materiality of technology. Adam hosts the Remotely-Interested Podcast and authors the blog of the same name, and is a visiting lecturer in digital cultures at Duke University, by way of University of Plymouth's archaeology department in the UK. Bonus: we talk about Westworld and the ethical implications of immersive interpretations of the past, as well as effects of consumer trends on heritage and preservation work.












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