
Lithodomos VR - Episode 45

The Chrises chat with Simon Young, founder and CEO of Lithodomos, a virtual reality company that specializes in preserving culturally significant spaces with archaeology and scientific precision in mind.


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Adam Spring, Amiga, and Trajan's Forum - Episode 43

Adam Spring joins the show to talk about digital archaeology, 3D scanning, and the materiality of technology. Adam hosts the Remotely-Interested Podcast and authors the blog of the same name, and is a visiting lecturer in digital cultures at Duke University, by way of University of Plymouth's archaeology department in the UK. Bonus: we talk about Westworld and the ethical implications of immersive interpretations of the past, as well as effects of consumer trends on heritage and preservation work.












Codifi w/ Michael Ashley - Episode 41

Michael Ashley, founder of Codifi, joins this episode to talk about all the new things coming from this company. Chris Webster and Christopher Sims announce their involvement with Codifi, and the whole crew talks about doing better digital archaeology and going completely paperless.



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