Descendant Communities Perspectives with Patrick Cruz - S1E5
In the final episode of Season 1, we wrap up our series on Chaco and Southwest archaeology through a conversation with our fellow graduate student, Patrick Cruz. Patrick is a citizen of the Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo in New Mexico and he impresses upon us the importance of Indigenous perspectives in archaeological research and interpretations. Patrick reflects on his experiences visiting ancestral sites and being both an Indigenous person and an archaeologist.
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Cruz, Patrick
2018 Landscape Memory and Authority: How Perceptions of Landscape Played a Part in Pueblo Migrations in the Northern Rio Grande. M.A. Thesis, University of Colorado Boulder. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.
Gover, Carlton
2019 Dating Apps in Archaeology: Matching the Archaeological Record with Indigenous Oral Traditions through Glottochronology, Summed Probability Distributions, and Bayesian Statistical Analysis. M.A. Thesis, University of Wyoming. Proquest Dissertations Publishing.
Ortiz, Simon
1992 What We See: A Perspective on Chaco Canyon and Its Ancestry. In Chaco Canyon: A Center and Its World, edited by Peck, Mary, pp. 65–72. Museum of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque
Ortman, Scott G.
2012 Winds from the North : Tewa Origins and Historical Anthropology, University of Utah Press, 2012. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Samuel Duwe and Patrick J .Cruz
2019 Tewa Origins and Middle Places. In The Continuous Path: Pueblo Movement and the Archaeology of Becoming, edited by Samuel Duwe and Robert W. Preucel, pp. 96-123. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Swentzell, Rina
2004. A Pueblo Woman’s Perspective on Chaco Canyon. In In Search of Chaco: New Approaches to an Archaeological Enigma, edited by David Noble Grant, pp. 48-53. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe.
Weiner, Robert S.
2018 Sociopolitical, Ceremonial, and Economic Aspects of Gambling in Ancient North America: A Case Study of Chaco Canyon. American Antiquity 83(1), 34–53.
Contact For Guest:
Patrick Cruz
Carlton Shield Chief Gover
instagram: @pawnee_archaeologist
Twitter: @PaniArchaeology
Robert Weiner
Instagram: @chacoroadsproject