Let's take a break - Ep 35
This episode is a little different to usual, as Matilda discusses her background in archaeology and how she got to where she is today, as well as her inspiration for starting the podcast and how her experience has been for the last two years. Most importantly, she ends with the announcement that due to personal and professional priorities, Tea-break Time Travel will be taking a break, to launch with a fresh season-centered format in September 2025.
For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.
Contact the Host
Email: matilda@thearchaeologiststeacup.com
insta: @the_archaeologists_teacup
twitter: @ArchaeoTeacup
APN Website: https://www.archpodnet.com
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APN on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archpodnet
Tee Public Store: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/archaeology-podcast-network?ref_id=5724