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070 - EAA2020 - Virtual Recap with Matilda Siebrecht

This is a special episode of Conferences Podcast with special guest Matilda Siebrecht, a PhD researcher at the University of Gronigen, Netherlands. She recently attending the online virtual EAA2020 conference and we discuss the benefits and challenges that such a format presents. Including the in session chat feature and moderation, moving between different sessions and what new conference etiquette we may need to learn.

EAA used in order to run the conference.


Matlida's Twitter -

Instagram -


068 - EAA2019 - Francesco Ripanti

These are selections of conversations recorded at the EAA2019 conference in Bern, Switzerland.

Tristan of the APN spoke to Francesco Ripanti about his public archaeology work.

Francesco Ripanti has a PhD in public archaeology from the University of Pisa, with a project focusing on participation in Italian community archaeology. Graduated with a Master’s thesis in archaeological methods at the University of Siena, his research covers several themes related to public archaeology, heritage and museum studies. Greatly interested in archaeological storytelling and communication, he has tried out his skills authoring short videos set at the Roman site of Vignale (Italy), short stories about 25 objects exhibited at Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche (Ancona, Italy) and for a digital storytelling prototype at the Ancient Agora of Athens (Greece).


066 - EAA2019 - Dr. Chester Liwosz

These are selections of conversations recorded at the EAA2019 conference in Bern, Switzerland.

At the EAA2019 conference in Bern, Tristan of the APN had a chance to sit down and talk to Dr. Chester Liwosz of the Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project based in New Mexico.

The Mesa Prieta Petroglyph Project (MPPP), a tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1999, seeks to preserve petroglyphs on Mesa Prieta through education of the local community and others, and recording what may be well over 100,000 rock images on the mesa.


065 - EAA2019 - Dr. Alexander Gramsch

These are selections of conversations recorded at the EAA2019 conference in Bern, Switzerland.

Dr. Alexander Gramsch works at the Römisch-Germanische Kommission in Frankfuhrt. Tristan spoke to him at the RGK table in the upstarirs section of the University of Bern, the Kuppelraum. Dr. Gramsch explains the work of the RGK and talks about the benefits and challenges of using digital microscopes.

To find out more info please check out :


Announcement : Public Archaeology Twitter Conference 4 - 5th Sept 2019

This is a special announcement ahead of the Public Archaeology Twitter Conference (PATC4).

"We hold these conferences in order to continue our attempts to challenge the conference status quo in terms of communication, diversity and inclusivity. Conference attendance has many issues, such as funding and accessibility, so these formats can contribute information which can be used to make archaeology safer and more accessible within as well as outside the profession.

Conferences that cost over £400 to attend are no longer financially viable for most people. Conferences that charge large fees and discuss public and community archaeology are excluding the participants, communities and colleagues with whom we work who do not have access to travel and conference funds, those with caring responsibilities, those with disabilities, or simply those who do not have enough time to travel long distances. There needs to be an alternative."

The hashtag for the September 2019 event will be #PATC4.


063 - CIFA2018 - Tariq Mian

Another interview with great insight into the archaeology sector in the UK. Towergate Insurance has been providing its services to archaeologists for over 20 years and they have gained a great understanding of archaeologists and the industry as a whole.




Towergate Insurance

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063 - CIFA2018 - Tari Mian
Tristan Boyle / Chris Webster

062 - CIFA2018 - Rob Lennox

Rob Lennox is the policy advisor to the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) and in this interview we discuss the challenges for archaeology as a profession and the ways in which conferences such as CIFA held in Brighton this year can bring people inside and outside the industry together to work together. 

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062 - CIFA2018 - Rob Lennox
Tristan Boyle / Chris Webster

061 - CIFA2018 - Dr. Andy Holland

This is a short interview conducted at the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists conference in Brighton. Dr. Andy Holland is a Post-Doctoral researcher at the University of Bradford, specialising in Forensic Archaeology. We discuss how forensics archaeologists work with law enforcement, and how conferences bring both commercial and academic archaeologists together.


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061 - CIFA2018 - Dr. Andy Holland
Tristan Boyle / Chris Webster

060 - CIFA2018 - Alistair Galt

At the CIFA2018 conference in Brighton, Tristan sits down with Alistair Galt to discuss the ins and outs of archaeology in the UK. Alistair is secretary of the New Generation Group of CIFA, dedicated to helping students and Early Career Professionals, mentoring and giving advice. We talk about the apparent shortage of archaeologists, the need to help yourself find the right job and what the reasons are to be optimistic in today's world of archaeology.




Facebook: CIFA New generation special interest group.



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060 - CIFA2018 - Alistair Galt
Tristan Boyle/Chris Webster

059 - CIFA2018 - Dr. Chrys Harris

Dr. Chrys Harris talks to me about her company Magnitude Surveys, outlining the different techniques they provide to business. She explains Electromagnetic surveys as well as telling me about the archaeology in and around Bradford where Magnitude Surveys is based.


This was recorded at CIFA Brighton 2018 conference

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059 - CIFA 2018 - Dr. Chrys Harris
Tristan Boyle/Chris Webster

058 - AAA2017 - Shankar

057 - AAA2017 - Sacco

056 - AAA2017 - Sadeghsamimi

055 - AAA2017 - Collins and Gamwell

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Papers presented at the 116th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association on December 1, 2017 in Washington, D.C.

Paper: Crowdsourcing the Conversation: On the Future of Podcasting, Public Engagement, and Exercising the Anthropological Tool Kit, Collins and Gamwell

055 - AAA2017 - Collins and Gamwell
APN - Collins and Gamwell

054 - AAA2017 - Webster

053 - AAA2017 - Arielle Milkman

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Papers presented at the 116th Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association on December 1, 2017 in Washington, D.C.

053 - AAA2017 - Arielle Milkman
APN - Arielle Milkman
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