Implementing a Tablet-Based Recording System for Ceramic Classification - Ep95
Many people are writing papers about "going digital" and the results from doing so. However, not too many are writing about the effects of going digital on a crew. For example, do people work better together or separately when recording artifacts with a tablet. On today's episode we talk to the authors of a paper about going digital on a project in Peru and how recording ceramics was changed by using tablets.
Mobilization as Mediation: Implementing a Tablet-Based Recording System for Ceramic Classification, Parker VanValkenburgh, Luiza O. G. Silva, Chiara Repetti-Ludlow, Jake Gardner, Jackson Crook, and Brian Ballsun-Stanton
Advances in Archaeological Practice 6(4), 2018, pp. 342-356
Chris Webster
Twitter: @archeowebby
Paul Zimmerman
Twitter: @lugal