ArchaeoTech Podcast

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Implementing a Tablet-Based Recording System for Ceramic Classification - Ep95

Many people are writing papers about "going digital" and the results from doing so. However, not too many are writing about the effects of going digital on a crew. For example, do people work better together or separately when recording artifacts with a tablet. On today's episode we talk to the authors of a paper about going digital on a project in Peru and how recording ceramics was changed by using tablets.


  • Mobilization as Mediation: Implementing a Tablet-Based Recording System for Ceramic Classification, Parker VanValkenburgh, Luiza O. G. Silva, Chiara Repetti-Ludlow, Jake Gardner, Jackson Crook, and Brian Ballsun-Stanton

    • DOI:


    • Advances in Archaeological Practice 6(4), 2018, pp. 342-356



Heritage Chat Bots (To Bot or Not?) - Ep94

Chat bots are taking over conversations with customer service and social media applications like Facebook Messenger. But, do they belong in heritage situations? Can chat bots help outreach and interact with the public or are they just one more distraction? We talk about chat bots in the context of a recent article from the Society for American Archaeology’s Advances in Archaeological Practice on this episode.


  • “Can Heritage Bots Thrive? Toward Future Engagement in Cultural Heritage” - Angeliki Tzouganatou

    • DOI: 10.1017/aap.2018.32

App of the Day


Disaster Preparedness for Archaeology Sites - Ep 93

Disaster preparedness takes many forms - depending on who you are and what you do. It's also important for archaeology sites. Creating relationships with major and local agencies and locating archaeology sites in jeopardy is paramount to preserving history. When disaster strikes we should be ready to respond or have recorded as much as possible already.

On today's show we talk about an article in the November 2018 issue of the SAA's Advances in Archaeological Practice that tackles these issues.


  • “Finding the Negative in the Positive: Archaeology and Data Collection in the Face of Natural Disasters” - Tanya M. Peres and Aaron Deter-Wolf

    • DOI:


App of the Day

Drone Giveaway!


Disappearing Data with Keith Kintigh - Ep 92

On episode 91 of this podcast Paul and Chris talked about a recent article that discussed the "disappearing data" of archaeology. Where do data go when the project is over? Why isn't the government doing a better job of preserving the data?


App of the Day

Drone Giveaway!


Disappearing Data - Ep 91

What happens to archaeological data when the project is over? Are we doing all we can? Where does it go and how can we help? This is a response to a recent article.


App of the Day

Drone Giveaway!


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