chat — ArchaeoTech Podcast

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ChatBot or Human and Does it Matter? - Ep 98

Today on the show Paul and I discuss chat bots and whether they can good, bad, or indifferent for heritage communication. We also discuss a Munsell reader and Paul’s new drone!


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Heritage Chat Bots (To Bot or Not?) - Ep94

Chat bots are taking over conversations with customer service and social media applications like Facebook Messenger. But, do they belong in heritage situations? Can chat bots help outreach and interact with the public or are they just one more distraction? We talk about chat bots in the context of a recent article from the Society for American Archaeology’s Advances in Archaeological Practice on this episode.


  • “Can Heritage Bots Thrive? Toward Future Engagement in Cultural Heritage” - Angeliki Tzouganatou

    • DOI: 10.1017/aap.2018.32

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