drone — ArchaeoTech Podcast

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Working in the Middle East with Paul - Ep 187

On this episode Paul tells us all about doing CRM in Saudi Arabia for the last few months. We talk about the field methodologies they used, how they stored and processed data, and just what working over there is generally like. Thanks so much to Ed Gonzales-Tennant for subbing in and welcome back Paul!

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Open Source Protocols - Ep 180

An important component of scientific research is reproducibility. In other scientific fields like medicine, protocols (step-by-step instructions) help ensure that another lab or another researcher can test our results. Lately, protocols for various technical aspects of archaeological research have been published, so Chris and Paul discuss the value of these publications.

Interested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in archaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!

Connect with James on Twitter: @paleoimaging

Start your own podcast with Zencastr and get 30% off your first three months with code TAS. Click this message for more information.






On Hedgehogs and Marvelous Minds: A New Technology for Point Data Collection? - Ep 179

We love it when archaeologists look at other technologies that on first glance are not appropriate for archaeology. However, they're willing to give it a try and report on the results! The researches in the article we discuss used an indoor positioning system (IPS) to map an outdoor site in Israel. Their results are encouraging for this emerging technology.

Interested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in archaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!

Connect with James on Twitter: @paleoimaging

Start your own podcast with Zencastr and get 30% off your first three months with code TAS. Click this message for more information.

// Message for Megaphone (delete this, link the episode and insert the number in the text below):
For rough transcripts of this episode go to www.archpodnet.com/archaeotech/#






Lagash Spring 2022 Recap - Ep 178

Automated Archaeological Feature Detection Using Deep Learning on Optical UAV Imagery - Ep 174

There's a lot in this episode and we start with Paul telling us about some of the tech he's taking to Iraq this month. Chris gives a Starlink usability update and talks about his new augmented reality glasses. Finally, we discuss the linked article and using deep learning for automatic feature detection.

Interested in learning about how to use X-Rays and similar technology in archaeology? Check out the linked PaleoImaging course from James Elliot!

Message for Megaphone (delete this, link the episode and insert the number in the text below):
For rough transcripts of this episode go to www.archpodnet.com/archaeotech/#






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