open source

Open Source Protocols - Ep 180

Computational Curious with Dr. Isaac Ullah - Ep 130

Curious about computational archaeology? Wonder how it’s different from digital archaeology? Us too! Dr. Isaac Ullah from San Diego State University tells us all about it and how he’s using open source software to do computational archaeology and reveal secrets about the history of the world.




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Listener Questions - Ep114

That’s right! We sourced your questions from Facebook and Twitter and answer your questions about mapping, canine forensics, open source programs, field data programs, and more! Send them in or hit us up on the socials to ask your questions and help everyone out on our next episode.


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Tech on a budget- Episode 72

Want to get into the tech space and upgrade your office or fieldwork but either don't have the money or have a limited budget? This episode is for you. Tech doesn't have to be expensive and if you look around you can find high quality items for low prices.

There is also a bonus segment for members of the APN!


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