ArchaeoTech Podcast

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New Advances in Oxygen Isotope Analysis with Dr. Corey Maggiano - Ep 119

Oxygen Isotope analysis has long been used to analyze a person’s skeletal material to find out where they lived and sometimes how they lived. Until now, this has been on a large time scale - often of years and decades. Now, with this new research, some cases can be analyzed down to the month or even tighter. It’s amazing research and further opens our window to the past.


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Dynamic Communities on the Mesa Verde Cuesta with Kelsey Reese - Ep 118

Paul interviews Kelsey Reese about her research at Mesa Verda and a recent paper in American Antiquity. Kelsey is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Notre Dame and is studying the long-term effects of sustained climate change on contemporary subsistence-based farming communities. This episode focuses that research on Mesa Verde in the American Southwest.




Analyzing the Chacoan Road Network with Sean Field - Ep 117

Researcher Sean Field joins us to talk about his work performing a least cost analysis on the Chacoan Road Network in New Mexico. The Chaco roads are somewhat of a mystery because of their size. Sean talks about his work and recent paper with Paul and Chris.


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The Tools That We Use: Word Processors - Ep 116

We think of archaeologists' main activity as digging. But anybody who's ever done archaeology can tell you that, regardless of what kind of archaeology we do, writing is a far more important skill. Here on the ArchaeoTech Podcast we talk a lot about the tools that we use in the field, but we don't talk so much about the tools that we use to assemble our thoughts when the fieldwork is over. So today we'll dig into a class of often overlooked tools that we all rely on: word processors.


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A Scary Tech Story - Ep115

OK, it’s not that scary. However, not understanding the tech you’re using and what it’s capable of can be a harrowing experience that can result in the loss of business and more importantly, a loss of scientific data.

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