digiarch — ArchaeoTech Podcast

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Best Practices for Digital Field Archaeology - Ep 167

We've got a guest from Wildnote on today to talk about best practices when going in the field with your digital forms. There is some Wildnote feature stuff in here, but, most of this is applicable to anyone using digital recording devices in the field.





Wildnote with CRO Jeff Erramouspe - Ep 158

We’ve talked about Wildnote a lot on this podcast. We even had the founder on a while back. Well, now Wildnote is growing and moving in some awesome directions. We talk to Chief Revenue Officer, Jeff Erramouspe, about what Wildnote is doing now and where it’s going in the future.





GPS Technology with Matt Alexander - Ep 107

We’ve always wanted to have a GPS expert on the show to unpack terms and talk about the latest tech. Now we have it! Matt Alexander joins us to talk all things GPS and explain some of those terms you may have been wondering about.


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Documenting Fragmented Remains and Data in the Cloud - Ep 106

Paul and Chris discuss an article from SAAs Advances in Archaeological Practice about using a database designed in FileMaker for documenting large skeletal collections. We also talk about your data in the cloud and what that means.


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Preventing Data Loss - Episode 84

Data loss is one of the most terrifying things an archaeologist, or any scientist, fears. To have all that hard work, and sometimes un-replicable work, lost because of something that you could ultimately control is something we don't like to think about. But, we have to. Especially as archaeology goes more into the digital realm all field archaeologists have to think about how they are preserving and backing up their data not only in the field but at every step of the process. Paul and Chris talk about this problem and some possible solutions on today's episode.


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