tablet — ArchaeoTech Podcast

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Mobile GIS Solutions - Ep 170

Over the summer Paul had experience with a couple different tablet-based GIS solutions. They're some of the most popular on the market. What were his impressions of those and are the suitable for the project he's working with in Iraq? We discuss those and more on today's episode.

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Best Practices for Digital Field Archaeology - Ep 167

We've got a guest from Wildnote on today to talk about best practices when going in the field with your digital forms. There is some Wildnote feature stuff in here, but, most of this is applicable to anyone using digital recording devices in the field.





Wildnote with CRO Jeff Erramouspe - Ep 158

We’ve talked about Wildnote a lot on this podcast. We even had the founder on a while back. Well, now Wildnote is growing and moving in some awesome directions. We talk to Chief Revenue Officer, Jeff Erramouspe, about what Wildnote is doing now and where it’s going in the future.





Using Drones for Survey with Kyle Olson - Ep 96

We talk about drones a lot on this show. And for the record, they're officially called UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or UASs (Unmanned Aerial Systems). What we don't often talk about is the nuts and bolts of actually using a UAV in the field.

Today we have a guest, Kyle Olson, who was on a team that used a DJI Mavic Pro to conduct aerial survey and mapping in central Asia. But, the article doesn't necessarily talk about the results of the survey. They instead talk about HOW they did the survey and what worked and what didn't. That's what we need more of.

So, take a listen and give us your feedback.


App of the Day

Drone Giveaway!


Implementing a Tablet-Based Recording System for Ceramic Classification - Ep95

Many people are writing papers about "going digital" and the results from doing so. However, not too many are writing about the effects of going digital on a crew. For example, do people work better together or separately when recording artifacts with a tablet. On today's episode we talk to the authors of a paper about going digital on a project in Peru and how recording ceramics was changed by using tablets.


  • Mobilization as Mediation: Implementing a Tablet-Based Recording System for Ceramic Classification, Parker VanValkenburgh, Luiza O. G. Silva, Chiara Repetti-Ludlow, Jake Gardner, Jackson Crook, and Brian Ballsun-Stanton

    • DOI:


    • Advances in Archaeological Practice 6(4), 2018, pp. 342-356



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