augmented reality

Web Mapping and Active Learning With LIDAR Data - Ep 127

The phrase, “archaeologists aren’t taught to do that” is prevalent in archaeology. What are archaeologist’s taught? Well, this paper attempts to use alternative methods and crowdsourcing to analyze LIDAR data and overcome some of the shortfalls of academic education.


App of the Day



Tech Grab Bag - Episode 81

We had a few topics to discuss that we've been putting off so we gathered them all here. A few of the things we talk about on this episode include AR in archaeology, APIs and data shuttles, and a few other things.

App of the Day


Lithodomos VR - Episode 45

The Chrises chat with Simon Young, founder and CEO of Lithodomos, a virtual reality company that specializes in preserving culturally significant spaces with archaeology and scientific precision in mind.


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