ArchaeoTech Podcast

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Map It! - Ep 188

Today Paul talks about this magnetometry training that he recently received. They’re using it on the project in the Middle-East that he’s been going on the past few seasons. Then, we discuss a recent publication that combined many forms of data into a single, usable, geodatabase.

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Working in the Middle East with Paul - Ep 187

On this episode Paul tells us all about doing CRM in Saudi Arabia for the last few months. We talk about the field methodologies they used, how they stored and processed data, and just what working over there is generally like. Thanks so much to Ed Gonzales-Tennant for subbing in and welcome back Paul!

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Field Safety Tech - Ep 186

In the wake of some tragic events AND an unseasonable hot summer we're talking about field safety tech. Good tech can not only keep you safer, but, it can make you more efficient as well. Sometimes just being more efficient IS being more safe. We're joined by Rachel Roden from Wildnote who will help us find some cool, useful, things.

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Building the Virtual Rosewood Cemetery - Ep 185

Dr. Ed Gonzalez-Tennant joins us again in Paul's absence to tell us about the site he's been working on for many years now: The Rosewood Cemetery in Florida. Situated on private land, the Rosewood cemetery is difficult to get to and difficult to maintain. Without some sort of official support it's likely to stay that way. Ed has been documenting the cemetery using a number of recording means. This work has culminated in the virtual Rosewood Cemetery. We talk about that process and the implications regarding virtual archaeology in the near future.

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Getting Started with QGIS - Ep 184

Dr. Edward Gonzalez-Tennant joins us again as a guest co-host while Paul is surveying in the middle east. Ed is an expert in QGIS and on today's show he tells us how to get started and gives us some of his tips, tricks, and customization advice along the way.

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QGIS Plug-Ins that Ed Recommends

  • Quick Map Services for Basemaps

  • Semi-Automatic Classification Area





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