ArchaeoTech Podcast

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Drone-Based Photogrammetry and AI for Automated Arch Survey - Ep 121

Dr. Hector Orengo joins us from Spain to talk about a recent paper where his team discusses using photogrammetry and AI to automate archaeological survey. It’s an interesting approach with promising results.

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Reconstructing a Lost Town with Edward Gonzalez-Tennant - Ep 104

Edward Gonzalez-Tennant is a GIS and open source digital archaeology expert. We brought him on to talk about GIS but the conversation quickly turned to his work at historic Rosewood - a predominantly African-American town in Florida that was destroyed by riots and the Rosewood Massacre over 100 years ago. EGT is using digital archaeology and traditional methods to reconstruct this town so visitors and descendants can know what it was like to live in that area at in the early 1900s.



Structure from Motion Photogrammetry - Episode 74

Structure from Motion is a photogrametric technique that just about anyone can do. All you need are half-decent photographs. This podcast discusses a recent article in SAA Advances about using SfM to examine, analyze, and preserve the giant hats, or pukau, on Easter Island. What would you preserve with this technique?


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Photogrammetry w/ Michael Ashley & Tom Noble - Episode 51

Michael Ashley and Tom Noble join the show to talk about photogrammetry. They discuss equipment, workflows, and limitations, as well as the way forward. Info on photogrammetry workshops are discussed in this show, and included in the show notes.



Codifi w/ Michael Ashley - Episode 41

Michael Ashley, founder of Codifi, joins this episode to talk about all the new things coming from this company. Chris Webster and Christopher Sims announce their involvement with Codifi, and the whole crew talks about doing better digital archaeology and going completely paperless.



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