principal investigator

Is there a gap between field and office personnel? - Ep 265

Why is there a such a distinct separation between field and office staff in CRM? Is it necessary? Does a more holistic approach to staff assignments and project management have the potential to improve staff morale and know-how? We’re referencing a post in the Facebook group, Archaeo Field Techs, on today’s episode.



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Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Andrew @AndrewKinkella, Chris W @Archeowebby, @DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet

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CRM Firm Owner Chandler Herson - Episode 55

Today we interview new CRM Firm Owner Chandler Herson. Chandler started his firm last year and has some great advice for those that want to do the same or have considered doing it. There are some great lessons in here and even if you're not thinking of starting your own firm, it's good to have the big picture sometimes.
