NEPA 2020 with Dr. Tom King - Ep 190 — CRM Archaeology Podcast

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NEPA 2020 with Dr. Tom King - Ep 190

Today, the CRM Archaeology Podcast has the distinct honor of having as our guest cohost, Dr. Thomas King. Dr. King has been a giant in the field of heritage and cultural resource management for over 50 years and has not only been responsible for the education of countless students of CRM through his prolific authorship, but has had a hand in many of the laws and regulations we as CRM practitioners exercise everyday. Notably, Dr. King and his wife, Dr. Patricia Parker, while employed by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation in Washington DC from 1979-1989, wrote the National Register Bulletin 38, which has served as a U.S. government guideline document employed by many indigenous groups and local communities to protect their cultural heritage from destructive government projects. Dr. King's most recent book, Cultural Resource Management: A Collaborative Primer for Archaeologists, is an elegant and concise introduction to CRM aimed at emerging archaeologists. Although, it could be argued, since we should all be continuous students of all aspects of this discipline, that this book is an essential pocket guide to any level of archaeologist who respects the interdisciplinary and public policy elements of CRM.


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Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Bill A. @archaeothoughts; Chris W @Archeowebby, @DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet



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