
Is there a gap between field and office personnel? - Ep 265

Why is there a such a distinct separation between field and office staff in CRM? Is it necessary? Does a more holistic approach to staff assignments and project management have the potential to improve staff morale and know-how? We’re referencing a post in the Facebook group, Archaeo Field Techs, on today’s episode.



Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Andrew @AndrewKinkella, Chris W @Archeowebby, @DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet

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Leadership with Author Vishal Agarwal - Ep149

Almost everyone will admit that leadership training and practices are badly needed, and are in fact missing, within Cultural Resource Management. We need all the help we can get! Vishal Agarwal, author of “Give to Get” talks to us about leadership and navigating through work environments.


Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Bill A. @archaeothoughts; Chris W @Archeowebby, @DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet
