
PROMO - Olcott Archaeology with Jason Cooper - TAS 137

The Archaeology Podcast Network is taking a bit of a break for October, 2022. In the mean time, we’re introducing you to some of the other fantastic shows that we produce. Here’s an episode from The Archaeology Show featuring a DOT archaeologist and a really important site found through CRM.

This week we interview Jason Cooper, an archaeologist with the Washington DOT, the current president of the Association for Washington Archaeology, and former archaeologist with the environmental firm, AMEC. In 2008 we were lucky enough to work on an Olcott excavation with Jason, and now he has co-written a book about those findings. We discuss the significance of the Olcott tradition in Washington, as well as how our findings on the CRM project in 2008 contributed to our knowledge of the Olcott people.


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