
Maybe it’s Habiline?: Human Evolution with Vincent Battista - Ep 148

In this episode, David chats with his good friend, Vincent Battista about species, Neanderthals, human evolution, and his new job as a PhD in the Private Sector for a pharmaceutical company. David and Vincent have a conversation regarding how to determine what a “species” is, and whether it is just a construct. They then get into a deep discussion about human origins, and where we fit on the family tree.

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Literature Recommendations

  • Coyote America by Dan Flores

Guest Contact




Tools of Future’s Past: Lomekwi with Lana and Ella - Ep 41

In this episode, we are pleased to have both Lana Ruck and Ella Beaudoin back on our show. Ella was on Episode 2 and Lana was on Episode 16. Since Episode 37 Settlers of Cerutti with Dr. Shane Miller and Dr. Jesse Tune was such a hit, we wanted to have Ella and Lana return to the show to talk about some controversial topics within paleoanthropology. Lana and Ella discuss the site Lomekwi, which is an archaeological site in Kenya where ancient stone tools have been discovered dating to 3.3 million years ago, which make them the oldest ever found. They deconstruct the tools, the context of the site, and the dating of the artifacts.

Guest Contact

  • Lana's Twitter: @LanaRuck

  • Lana's Instagram: @LanaLately

  • ScIU's Instagram: @sciublog

  • Ella's Twitter: @ella_beaudoin

  • Ella's Instagram: @simple_homo_slaypien

  • Human Origins Twitter: @HumanOrigins



Our Ruined Lives with Lana Ruck - Ep 16

Today’s podcast hostage is Lana...Lana...Lanaaaaaaa Ruck. Lana is a dual Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Anthropology and Cognitive Science Program at Indiana University, Bloomington. She works at Olduvai Gorge as a student researcher at the Stone Age Institute, and she is an avid science communicator through IU's science blog, ScIU (@sciublog).

Lana is a proud Texan, and got her B.A. in Anthropology at Texas Tech University and her M.A. at Florida Atlantic University. She has worked in Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Tanzania, focusing on stone tool technologies and toolmaking techniques. Lana is an interdisciplinary scientist and self-described "stone age neuroscientist."

Her research combines brain imaging techniques with experimental archaeology to explore how our uniquely-human system of technology, language, and cognition evolved. Unfortunately, Lana allowed Carlton to be one of her participants for her dissertation research, and we are very excited to spill the tea on how that disaster went.




Of Koobi Fora and Cathedrals with Ella Beaudoin - Ep 02

Today's guest is someone who we wanted to snag as early as possible, based on her ability to connect with the public.

Ella Beaudoin got started in anthropology at American University, in Washington DC.

She cut her scientific teeth in Kenya as part of the Koobi Fora field School @koobiforafieldschool. The Koobi Fora region is one of the most prolific fossil bearing regions in the world and possibly home to the oldest instances of the use of fire by our hominid ancestors.

She is currently a contractor at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, where she works to help engage and teach the public about evolution and archaeology.

As the goal of this podcast is to connect non-archaeologists with our science, we are super excited to talk with her tonight.

You can follow her twitter at @ella_beaudoinand her instagram @timetravelerinhikingboots.

