Indigenous Archaeology and the Save Heritage Campaign with Ashleigh Thompson - Ep 132
In this episode, Carlton has a solo interview with Ashleigh Thompson, a Tribal Citizen of the Red Lake Ojibwe and Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology at the University of Arizona. The episode begins with Carlton asking about Ashleigh's background in Anthropology: where she went to school, what degrees she obtained, and how her multidisciplinary background has become advantageous in her work. We then dive into a discussion on Indigenous Archaeology and her experiences as an Indigenous scholar in the discipline of Anthropology. Then we round out the episode on Ashleigh's work with the Save History Campaign - an anti-looting and anti-vandalism campaign designed to educate the public on Cultural Resource protection. From their website, here's a quote: "SaveHistory.Org is a collaborative effort of Tribal organizations, archaeologists, federal and state law enforcement, and countless supporters dedicated to ending the theft and destruction of archaeological resources on Tribal and public lands."
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Save History Website and Social Media
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Ashleigh's TikTok and Instagram Handles: @ashanishinaabe
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