
The Study and Practice of Bioarchaeology with Dr. Alex Garcia-Putnam and Christine Halling - Ep 128

On this episode of a Life in Ruins Podcast, Connoe is joined by Dr. Alex Garcia-Putnam and Christine Halling to talk all things bioarcheology. We start off by delving into Christine's career in archaeology/anthropology and take about how her and Alex met. We then dive into their jobs, what they do and how buried remains can move miles or so during natural disasters in Louisiana. We finish out our conversation talking about the basics of bioarchaeology and some of the research both Christine and Alex are doing currently and have done in the past.

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Bioarchaeology Across the World with Dr. Alex Garcia-Putnam - Ep 82

In this episode, we are chatting with Dr. Alex Garcia-Putnam who is the Assistant State Physical Anthropologist for the Department of Archaeology and History Preservation in Washington State. And how did we come across Dr. Garcia-Putnam? Well he is a UW graduate of course! We start out by recapping how we know each other and talk about Alex's awesome experience returning to US from Canada.

Alex talks about his experience growing up as a professors kid and how he got hooked on archaeology. We then discuss Alex's change of dissertation topic caused by the COVID19 pandemic and also discuss how bioarcheology can be used to talk about very relevant and interesting topics. We finish off talking about all the places he has worked as a bioarcheologist.

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