Avocational Archaeology - Episode 15

Mandy Ranslow joins the show to talk about an avocational archaeology program in Connecticut. The value of para-professional contributions to the field is also discussed.


Destruction of Cultural Sites as a War Crime - Episode 13

Today the panel discusses the Hague's decision to try the destruction of Cultural Sites a War Crime. What is the benefit to this? What does this mean for the future of protecting sensitive cultural sites? And how can we prevent the destruction in the first place?




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Nasty Women in Archaeology Special Episode 12.5

The Dakota Access Pipeline - Episode 12

Back to Grad School - Episode 11

Today the panel discusses getting back into the grove of grad-school, especially after taking a break. They discuss reasons to delay going into grad-school, how to pay for it when you do go back, how to survive school/life balance, and what to do with your degree once you get out.


Sexual Harassment in Archaeology - Episode 10

The Representation of Women Archaeologists in Media - Episode 9

Today the panel discusses the way women archaeologists are represented in a variety of media including TV, Movies, and Video Games. We talk about what there is out there for us, and what kinds of role models we'd like to see going forward. We're also joined by special guests Chelsea Rose of Time Team America fame and Meghan Dennis aka @GingeryGamer.


What's In Your Pack, Women's Edition - Episode 8

Opportunities in Archaeology i.e. Things You Can Do Besides Dig Holes - Episode 7

Today the panel talks about the wide variety of job opportunities in archaeology outside of "typical" field work. We talk about where to find these sometimes special one-time projects, different field specializations both in academia and CRM, and how to network effectively to get yourself the best professional exposure to land some of these jobs.



Today we finish talking about the Results of a Survey for Field Archaeologists / Cultural Resource Managers by Charles J. Peliska. We look over education, gender, and the pay gap and try to figure out some reasons behind the differences. This is part two of a two part discussion.


Interview with Alan Kaiser - Episode 5

Today the panel interviews Alan Kaiser, author of "Archaeology, Sexism, and Scandal: The Long-Suppressed Story of One Woman's' Discoveries and the Man Who Stole Credit for Them." We talk with him about his discovery of Mary Ross Ellingson and her dissertation, and the fight he went through to get her story published.



Peliska's Survey Results, Part 1 - Episode 4

Today we begin talking about the Results of a Survey for Field Archaeologists / Culural Resource Managers by Charles J. Peliska. We look over education, gender, and the pay gap and try to figure out some reasons behind the differences. This is part one of a two part discussion.

Conferences and How to Navigate Them - Episode 3

ARPA and the Oregon Occupation - Episode 1