Trump vs. Cultural Heritage - Episode 16
On this episode of the Women in Archaeology Podcast, we discuss our growing concerns over the future of archaeology in the Trump Administration. We provide insight on the ACRA webinar, whether or not Trump even appears to care about heritage and/or cultural resources, and the cultural resource management laws that are under potential threat. And of course, a call to action by all archaeologists and concerned citizens.
- "In Renovation of Golf Club, Trump Also Dressed up History"
- HuffPo post on Historic Presidential Election
- SHA Post on Presidential Election
- Archaeology in Trump's America
- Archaeology in the Times of Trump
- DAPL and the Senate Committee of Indian Affairs
- List of US Elected Officials
- ACRA Webinar
- "Hoeven, Udall Elected Chairman, Vice Chairman of Senate Indian Affairs Committee"
- Chelsi Slotten on twitter @osteoarchaeo
- Show email womeninarchaeology@gmail.com
- Women In Archaeology Facebook Group
- Women In Archaeology Blog