Mayan Hieroglyphics with Jeb Card - ArchyFantasies 80
Today we talk with co-host Jeb Card about Mayan Hieroglyphics. We talk about the Victorian worlds discovery of them, their fascination with them, how that fascination has endured into the modern-day, and how the Mayan language, including Hieroglyphics, is still a living language today.
- FAMSI resources
- Maya Glyph Workbook
- Wayeb resources
- Forest of Kings
- Maya Decipherment Blog by David Stuart and Stephen Houston
- Tazumal flask
- Archaeology 365 episode on Tazumal flask
- Athanasius Kircher
- Relacion de las Cosas de Yucatan by de Archbishop Diego de Landa
- Cracking the Maya Code Documentary
- Yuri Knorosov
- Centro de estudios Maya Yuri Knorosov
- Breaking the Maya Code
- Reading the Maya Glyphs
- Translating Maya Glyphs
- Reading Maya Art
- Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens
- Ancient Text, Modern Tablet - Handcrafted Cuneiform
- Jason Colavito and the Antediluvian Pyramid Myth
- Email us at ArchyFantasies@gmail.com
- Follow us on Twitter at @Archyfantasies and find us on FaceBook.
- Theme Music by ArcheopSoup Productions
Produced by Chris Webster and Tristan Boyle