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Seeing the Hozhó in Anthropology - HeVo 94

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Seeing the Hozhó in Anthropology - HeVo 94
APN - Jessica Yaquinto

On today’s episode, Jessica chats with Kendrick McCabe (Ethnographer and Cultural Resource Specialist at Parametrix). Kendrick talks about switching from studying Engineering to Anthropology at the University of Alaska after connecting with Alaska Native classmates. This experience led to an interest in Indigenous naming and identity. Later he continued this work by looking at how people express and shape their culture through the lens of social media. Finally, we talk about his ethnographic and cultural resource work at Parametrix, from working with a local Diné community on a historic uranium mine to working on the Navajo Gallup Water Supply Project, as well as on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Kendrick peppers in lots of good advice for anyone doing Tribal Consultation, Ethnographic, or Cultural Resources work with Indigenous communities!


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to https://www.archpodnet.com/heritagevoices/94





Tamamta (all of us): Transforming Western and Indigenous Sciences together - HeVo 89

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Tamamta (all of us): Transforming Western and Indigenous Sciences together - HeVo 89
APN - Jessica Yaquinto

On today’s episode, Jessica talks with Dr. Jessica Black (Gwich’in; Associate Vice Chancellor and Associate Professor in the College of Indigenous Studies at the University of Alaska Fairbanks) and Dr. Courtney Carothers (Professor of Fisheries in the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at the University of Alaska Fairbanks). Dr. Black and Dr. Carothers discuss their work, alongside student colleagues and Alaska Native peoples, to highlight Indigenous fisheries knowledge, Indigenous fisheries science and governance practices, and the structural inequities that keep Indigenous peoples in Alaska from their deep traditional cultural practices, livelihoods, and relations. All of this deeply relational work lead to the birth of Tamamta (a Yup’ik and Sugpiaq word meaning 'all of us'), an organization focused on connecting Indigenous and Western sciences and supporting graduate students deeply connected with Indigenous communities in Alaska on research around fisheries.

Interested in the Accountable Allies group? Keep an eye on the Tamamta website or sign up for their mailing list for resources that this group has been developing.






Sámi Land Protection - HeVo 88

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Sámi Land Protection - HeVo 88
APN - Jessica Yaquinto

On today’s episode, Jessica talks with Tuula Sharma Vassvik (Sámi activist, land protector, musician, podcast host, and freelance contractor in Heritage and Indigenous Methodologies) about their journey through archaeology to Indigenous methodologies and land protection in Sápmi. Tuula’s work focuses on solidarity across cultures and class, as well as community building and future building within Indigenous ways of life. We talk about their time at Standing Rock and how that shaped not only their Masters thesis, but their life trajectory. We also discuss their involvement in protests against wind turbines on reindeer herding areas, the destructive impact of farmed salmon on the coast and coastal Sámi people, as well as topics they have explored with their podcast guests, including Indigenizing queerness. Today’s takeaway: Don’t buy farmed salmon from Norway!


Additional Good Sámi Artists




Relational Engagement with Indigenous Communities through the Heritage Lands Collective - HeVo 86

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Relational Engagement with Indigenous Communities through the Heritage Lands Collective - HeVo 86
APN - Jessica Yaquinto

On today’s episode, Jessica goes more in depth with Joseph Gazing Wolf (Executive Director, Heritage Lands Collective [formerly Living Heritage Research Council]; Lakota, Nubian, and Amazigh) from Episode 84 on the Boulder Ethnographic-Education Project. On this episode, Joseph talks about how his childhood in Egypt and on the Standing Rock reservation inspired his interest in land, heritage, traditional ways of life, and working with elders. He talks more about his work with his buffalo relatives and how that led him to academia. He discusses how the settler-colonial context of academia is harmful to Indigenous scholars and how people in academic settings can engage with Indigenous communities in a relationally respectful manner. Finally, we conclude by talking about the work Heritage Lands Collective is doing and where Joseph would like to take it in the future, including Indigenous youth internships and youth-elder camps.






Working with Indigenous Communities and Orangutan Conservation in Borneo - HeVo 81

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Working with Indigenous Communities and Orangutan Conservation in Borneo - HeVo 81
APN - Jessica Yaquinto

On today’s episode, Jessica talks with Dr. Liana Chua (social anthropologist and Tunku Abdul Rahman University Assistant Professor in Malay World Studies at the University of Cambridge) about her work with Bidayuhs in Malaysian Borneo and looking at international orangutan conservation efforts. We talk about her projects looking at culture change and the impact of Christianity, as well as various responses to and the impact of resettlement in the face of a dam project. Finally we talk about the methods and findings from her efforts on The Global Lives of the Orangutan and POKOK projects.






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  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to https://zen.ai/heritagefool and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Liquid I.V.

Is There a Doctor in the House (Part 2) - The Zooarchaeology Special - ArchandAle 49

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Is There a Doctor in the House (Part 2) - The Zooarchaeology Special - Arch and Ale 49
APN - U of Sheffield

On Monday the 27th of November, 2023 we invited four Zooarchaeologists from the University of Sheffield’s Department of Archaeology to talk about the work they are doing towards their PHD and Post PHD studies.

Even though this was a relaxed pre-Christmas event, they were given just 15 minutes each and the time was strictly enforced!

The event was held in the upstairs room at The Red Deer Pitt Street Sheffield which is the spiritual home of Sheffield Archaeology.

Our speakers were:

Dr Maeve Moorcroft - What is in the Box? : Rediscovering a unique pathological bone collection.

Ewan Chipping - Cowology: Anatomy, Morphology and More.

Tracy Platts - What else did the Romans do for us?

Marina Chorro-Giner - I Like Turtles: Archaeology, Turtles and why they are Awesome!



Cute Animals Galore! - Animals 64

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Cute Animals Galore! - Animals 64
APN - Simona and Alex

From quokkas to otters, we have selected some of the most endearing animals on the planet to bring you the ‘Cutest Case Studies of All Time’. Tune in to learn more about the anatomy and zooarchaeologies of the cutest of creatures.


Links and Sources



The Zooarchaeology of Predator - Animals 63

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The Zooarchaeology of Predator - Animals 63
APN - Simona and Alex

Join us for this year’s Halloween episode where we discuss the zooarchaeology of the Predator franchise.
From Hellhounds to Feral Predators, join us on a journey through 36 years of concept art and creature design of one of pop culture’s most beloved franchises.


Links and Sources



  • Motion

  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to https://zen.ai/animalsfool and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

    • Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to https://zen.ai/archaeoanimals1 and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset.

  • Liquid I.V.

Browns Canyon National Monument - HeVo 78

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Browns Canyon National Monument - HeVo 78
APN - Jessica Yaquinto

On today’s episode, Jessica joins some of her Ute research partners to talk about the work they have all been doing together at Browns Canyon National Monument. This work is being conducted through the non-profit Living Heritage Research Council and funded by the Bureau of Land Management Colorado and the Colorado State Historical Fund. Mr. Terry Knight (Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Historic Preservation Officer), Mr. Mark Wing (Living Heritage Research Council Ute team member), and Ms. Sapphire Ortiz (NAGPRA Coordinator, Southern Ute Indian Tribe) talk about the project, their favorite parts, learning moments, and what they want people to know about the Ute people. Last but not least, they give advice for anyone doing Tribal Consultations or ethnographic research.

The Creatures of Medieval Maps and Bestiaries - Animals 62

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The Creatures of Medieval Maps and Bestiaries - Animals 62
APN - Simona and Alex

Join us on a journey through the mystical world of medieval maps and bestiaries. We will cover a selection of creatures real and imagined, their portrayal in the medieval period and how they informed people’s perceptions of said creatures.


Links and Sources



  • Motion

  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to https://zen.ai/animalsfool and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

    • Are you ready to feel more energized, focused, and supported? Go to https://zen.ai/archaeoanimals1 and add nourishing, plant-based foods to fuel you from sunrise to sunset.

  • Liquid I.V.

Ken Dash: Mud and Flared Jeans - ArchandAle 47

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Ken Dash: Mud and Flared Jeans - Ep 47
APN - U of Sheffield

Local archaeologist Ken Dash talks about his time with the Museum of London and reflects on how excavation was changing in the 1970s.



100 Mule Trips to the Great Murals of Baja California with Eve Ewing - Rock Art 101

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100 Mule Trips to the Great Murals of Baja California with Eve Ewing - Rock Art 101
APN - Alan Garfinkel

Turning passed the centennial mark, our episode 101 features rock art scholar Eve Ewing. Eve is a remarkable woman who has been to the Great Mural rock art in Baja California through the roadless back country in the heart of the peninsula known as the Grand Canyon of Mexico.  Riding on the back of a mule she has clocked 100 trips over a 50-year period.  She has a wonderful sense of insights and interpretation on these magnificent rock art panels. These are some of the largest prehistoric paintings in the world.






Past Archaeo “Tech”: Where Are They Now? - ArchaeoTech 199

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Past Archaeo “Tech”: Where Are They Now? - ArchaeoTech 199
APN - Chris and Paul

We’re going through the tech and companies from the first 50 episodes of the ArchaeoTech podcast. Where are they now since we started this podcast in 2014? Some are still going strong and others have struggled or failed. Find out who did what on this episode.






The Archaeology of Emotion with Tirtha Mukhopadhyay - Rock Art 100

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The Archaeology of Emotion with Tirtha Mukhopadhyay - Rock Art 100
APN - Alan Garfinkel

Episode 100!  A centennial celebration for the Rock Art Podcast.  We bring back one of our most noted, and most popular guest scholars!  Dr. Tirtha Prasad Mukhopadhyay.  He's back to discuss his revolutionary discoveries regarding rock art.  He calls this the "Archaeology of Emotions".






70th Anniversary, Announcement James D. Watson And Francis Crick Discovered Structure Of DNA Molecule (28th February 1953) - Flipside 10

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The discovery of the structure of the DNA molecule is one of the most important scientific advancement events of our history, because of it we can trace genetic ancestries, determine relation, alter or determine the most appropriate agricultural species for a region, develop targeted medicines, etc. etc. etc. This is a significant anniversary that we at The Flipside are privileged to be able to explore with Dr. Maria Nieves-Colón, who is an educator and anthropological geneticist at the University of Minnesota, the lab that Dr. Nieves-Colón is a scientist with there produces some truly exceptional research. This was a truly wonderful and informative discussion, that was genuinely inspiring. Ancient DNA is an important aspect of our toolkit which does not hold all the answers but can enhance our interpretation as archaeologists.

70th Anniversary, James D. Watson And Francis Crick Discovered Structure Of DNA - Flipside 10
APN - Leia Tilley



Intro/Outro Music - Creative Commons - "Fantasia Fantasia" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


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Is There a Doctor in the House - Arch and Ale 45

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Is There a Doctor in the House - ArchandAle 45
APN - U of Sheffield

This month we have something different for our listeners

We invited a group of 6 Post-Graduate Researchers and Recently qualified Doctors to explain their research to the general public in no more than 10 minutes.

Our speakers and project titles were as follows:

Chris Dwan - Landscape Stability & the Formation of Social Memory in Prehistoric Britain.

Kate Faulkes - Tackling the Urban Godless Poor - How Successful were Sheffield’s Commissioner Churches 1826 - 1865.

Dr Nina Maaranen - Teeth are Awesome! An Archaeologist's Perspective.

Kelsey Madden - Digging for Italy - Vagnari Vicus and Faleril Novi.

Yvette Marks - A Re-assessment of Copper Smelting in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Agean.

Dr Sam Purchase - Point and Shoot: A Radiographic Analysis of Mastoiditis in Archaeological Populations from England’s North-East.

Archaeology & Ale is a monthly series of talks presented by Archaeology in the City, part of the University of Sheffield Archaeology Department’s outreach programme.

This talk took place on Monday 27th February 2023 at The Red Deer, Pitt Street, Sheffield

For more information about Archaeology in the City’s events and opportunities to get involved, please email archaeologyinthecity@sheffield.ac.uk or visit our website at archinthecity.wordpress.com. You can also find us on Twitter (@archinthecity), Instagram (@archaeointhecity), or Facebook (@archinthecity)



GIS in CRM with Heather McDaniel McDevitt - ArchaeoTech 198

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GIS in CRM with Heather McDaniel McDevitt - ArchaeoTech 198
APN - Chris and Paul

Today we chat with Heather McDaniel McDevitt, co-host on the CRM Archaeology Podcast about GIS in CRM archaeology—her experiences and her opinions. We’ve got whats, hows, and whys galore, all grounded in her wisdom gained from many years studying, doing, and thinking about GIS.






Dating Desert Varnish and Rock Art with Meinrat Andreae - Rock Art 99

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Dating Desert Varnish and Rock Art with Meinrat Andreae - Rock Art 99
APN - Alan Garfinkel

Meinrat Andreae is a biogeochemist.  Director of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry ion Mainz.  He is a Review Editor for the prestigious journal, Science.   He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  He and his research associates have published more than 500 scientific books and journal articles.






Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction - What is it and What Does it Do? - Animals 56

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Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction - What is it and What Does it Do? - Animals 56
APN - Simona and Alex

This episode brings together episodes 53 to 55 as the unexpected finale of a ‘secret miniseries’ on how zooarchaeology can be used to reconstruct palaeoenvironments in conjunction with other archaeological subdisciplines. But how can the presence or absence of a given toad species infer on past environments? Tune in to find out! Case studies feature the humble European pond turtle/terrapin/tortoise and the palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of an Upper Pleistocene hyena den in Bois Roche, France.


Links and Sources

  • Betts, M. W., Maschner, H. D., Clark, D. S., Moss, M. L., & Cannon, A. (2011). Zooarchaeology of the “Fish That stops”. Moss, ML and Cannon, A., The Archaeology of North Pacific Fisheries, University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks, 171-195.

  • Foden, W. B. et al. (2009). Species susceptibility to climate change impacts. Wildlife in a changing world–an analysis of the 2008 IUCN Red List of threatened species, 77.

  • Muniz, F. P., Bissaro-Júnior, M. C., Guilherme, E., Souza-Filho, J. P. D., Negri, F. R., & Hsiou, A. S. (2021). Fossil frogs from the upper Miocene of southwestern Brazilian Amazonia (Solimões Formation, Acre Basin). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 41(6), e2089853.

  • Sommerseth, I. (2011). Archaeology and the debate on the transition from reindeer hunting to pastoralism. Rangifer, 31(1), 111-127.

  • Sommer, R. S., Persson, A., Wieseke, N., & Fritz, U. (2007). Holocene recolonization and extinction of the pond turtle, Emys orbicularis (L., 1758), in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(25-28), 3099-3107.

  • Sommer, R. S. et al. (2009). Unexpected early extinction of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in Sweden and climatic impact on its Holocene range. Molecular Ecology, 18(6), 1252-1262.

  • Waters, J. M., Fraser, C. I., Maxwell, J. J., & Rawlence, N. J. (2017). Did interaction between human pressure and Little Ice Age drive biological turnover in New Zealand?. Journal of Biogeography, 44(7), 1481-1490.

  • Villa, P., Goni, M. F. S., Bescos, G. C., Grün, R., Ajas, A., Pimienta, J. C. G., & Lees, W. (2010). The archaeology and paleoenvironment of an Upper Pleistocene hyena den: an integrated approach. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37(5), 919-935.

  • Yeomans, L. (2018). Influence of Global and Local Environmental Change on Migratory Birds: Evidence for Variable Wetland Habitats in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene of the Southern Levant. Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 18(1), 20-34.

  • Zuffi, M. A. L.; Celani, A.; Foschi, E.; Tripepi, S. (2007). "Reproductive strategies and body shape in the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) from contrasting habitats in Italy". Italian Journal of Zoology. 271 (2): 218–224.



Commercial Systematic Mechanical Auger Sampling with Chelsea Colwell-Pasch - ArchaeoTech 197

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Commercial Systematic Mechanical Auger Sampling with Chelsea Colwell-Pasch - ArchaeoTech 197
APN - Chris and Paul

Chelsea Colwell-Pasch has developed an awesome, powerful, and quick digging machine for archaeological prospection - aka, automated shovel testing! Well, not automated. You still need to run it. But, it’s fast and gentle on the artifacts. We talk to her about how she came up with the idea, using the device over the last few years, and the patenting process across multiple borders.






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