Dealing with toxic culture in the CRM industry - Ep 278

Before you finish reading this, click the link below and donate to Richie! If it’s way past the original date then donate to someone else. On this show we talk about keyboard warriors online, health insurance, and the supposed toxic culture in CRM.



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    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

  • Liquid I.V.

Dealing with looting in CRM - Ep 277

What are your experiences with looting in CRM? Here, the hosts discuss their experiences dealing with a looted site, and the public perception of what constitutes looting and what doesn’t.


Blogs and Resources:



  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Liquid I.V.

You don't need a 1x1. He's a Witch Burn Him! - Ep 276

About 14 years ago Chris was on a project where he had a disagreement with the crew chief on how to set up a 1x1 test unit. This has now led to a discussion about the many ways you can do the same thing right. We learn when we travel and work in other areas that there are a lot of different ways to do the same thing and they are all right.



Dutch Archaeology Quality Standard - is the booklet. You can get the old booklet (PDF) in English here They are now on version 4.1 and you can download the various chapters here: a lot are in Dutch but google translate works perfect on it.

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  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

  • Liquid I.V.

Cultural Resource Damage Assessments - Ep 275

Earlier this year a paper was published that outlined a specific way to conduct damage assessments on cultural resources. The authors recognized that there is no established method in use across the country for this. The co-hosts discuss the paper and damage assessments in general on today’s episode.



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  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

  • Liquid I.V.

What makes a CRM project go wrong? - Ep 274

Archaeology revealed massive Indigenous site in Miami (Tequesta Site), but condos are going forward with development:

This was the former site of a Standard Oil facility and the ground is contaminated. Archaeologists filed class action lawsuit against CRM company for exposing them and not having adequate health and safety:

Watching this unfolding story makes me ask “What makes an archaeology project go wrong?”


Blogs and Resources:



  • Motley Fool

    • Save $110 off the full list price of Stock Advisor for your first year, go to and start your investing journey today!

    • *$110 discount off of $199 per year list price. Membership will renew annually at the then current list price.

  • Laird Superfood

  • Liquid I.V.