
Archaeology...With Children - Ep 268

Can you have children and have a career in Archaeology? Heather, Doug, and Bill all have kids and opinions on this. Do you have children? How do you make it work? Let us know!


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Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Andrew @AndrewKinkella, Chris W @Archeowebby, @DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet

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Your Side Hustle and Raising Kids in Archaeology - Ep 158

We’ve got two very different guests on the show today. The first is Seth Hymes. Seth runs a digital marketing online course and we’ve partnered with him to get CRM Archaeologists a little bit of a side career. Take the course, make a little extra money, and have something to do in the off season. Our second guest is Karry Blake. She’s a CRM professional, runs an environmental department, and is raising two kids the entire time. We talk about the challenges of raising kids while managing your career.


Follow Our Panelists On Twitter

Bill @succinctbill; Doug @openaccessarch; Stephen @processarch; Bill A. @archaeothoughts; Chris W @Archeowebby, @DIGTECHLLC, and @ArchPodNet
