Answering Your Questions and Dating the Sphinx - Ep 111

Let’s be honest: The time has come for me to answer my fan mail. Join me as I dispense pearls of wisdom to my adoring fan base, and take a deep dive into dating the Sphinx once and for all!






The “Water Erosion Hypothesis” and the Age of the Sphinx - Ep 110

You would think that dating the Sphinx would be pretty easy, especially since the Sphinx’s face is that of an Old Kingdom pharaoh, and it’s right in front of an Old Kingdom pyramid. Simple man that I am, I’m going with Old Kingdom. But wait right there! What about the water erosion? Could the Sphinx actually be thousands of years older than previously thought? Does water erosion on the Sphinx expose a secret that Big Archaeology doesn’t want you to know? I’m guessing you know the answer to this one…





The Great Tonewood Debate - Ep 109

Tonight we tackle the highly annoying idea of electric guitar “tonewood.” Does the wood that your electric guitar is made out of affect the sound? Many guitar manufacturers and guitar pros say yes, but science says no. You’ll never guess which side I’m on….

While this topic is more pseudoscience than pseudoarchaeology, I figure it counts because I have an electric guitar in my office on campus…






Clovis First Forever (or Not) - Ep 108

Have you ever had a big, angry mob of anonymous keyboard warriors tell you the same wrong thing over and over again? Where they typed the same foolishness so many times that you got tired of replying and decided to make a podcast about it instead? Maybe it’s just me.

On tonight’s episode, we explore the great non-debate of “Clovis First,” an idea that archaeologists let go of decades ago, but pseudoarchaeologists hold onto as tightly as the pearls that they clutch every time I point out that they are wrong. Enjoy!





Maya Apocalypse 2012 - Ep 107

Did you survive the Maya apocalypse of 2012? Are you still putting your life back together after the supervolcano covered your home in lava just before the Tsunami washed it away? Is your equilibrium still unequal after the close call with Planet X? Does the Earth’s gravity still feel “not quite right” in the years since?

The renegade few of us who survived need to stick together. Let’s analyze the fallout of that fateful day on the 10 year anniversary of December 21, 2012, a day that will be long remembered…for nothing at all!



