
Augustus Le Plongeon: The World’s Most Interesting Pseudoarchaeologist - Ep 136

Continuing our “Old School Classics” theme here at the Pseudoarchaeology Podcast, today we have the tale of Augustus Le Plongeon, nineteenth century explorer extraordinaire. His ideas on the Maya were terrible, but his photos of Maya sites were great! A classic case of great data meets bad interpretation - enjoy!





Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg: The Accidental Pseudoarchaeologist - Ep 130

Today let’s explore the life of Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg (1814-1874), a dedicated scholar who found and published some amazing work on the ancient Maya. The only problem is that his ideas on Maya culture and translations of Maya hieroglyphs were almost 100% wrong! Further proof that people with terrible names have little choice in life except to become pseudoarchaeologists…





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The Maya Cenotes - Ep 114

What are the Maya cenotes? The time has come for Dr. Kinkella to talk about himself even more than usual as he discusses his dissertation research, talks about pseudo-archaeological ideas about human sacrifice, and generally spends lots of time bragging about his exploits in the jungle.






Maya Apocalypse 2012 - Ep 107

Did you survive the Maya apocalypse of 2012? Are you still putting your life back together after the supervolcano covered your home in lava just before the Tsunami washed it away? Is your equilibrium still unequal after the close call with Planet X? Does the Earth’s gravity still feel “not quite right” in the years since?

The renegade few of us who survived need to stick together. Let’s analyze the fallout of that fateful day on the 10 year anniversary of December 21, 2012, a day that will be long remembered…for nothing at all!





Ancient Maya Astronauts - Ep 106

Was Pacal the Great actually “Pacal the Great…Astronaut?” Of course not! On today’s podcast, I destroy whatever good humor you may have acquired during the holidays by forcing you down into the muck of what is possibly The Single Dumbest Story in all of Pseudoarchaeology! I’m very sorry.



