Archaeological Comics - Episode 17
Show host Kim Biddulph talks to three archaeological comic writers and artists, John Swogger, Hannah Sackett and Katy Whitaker about their work and the current and potential uses of comics in archaeology. Comics are obviously a great way to engage children in archaeology, but can they be used beyond that?
- Katy Whitaker's Tale of the Toad Stone
- Hannah Sacket's Mold Gold Cape
- John Swogger's Çatalhöyük comic
- Research at Sheffield Hallam University on the use of comics for learning
Kim Biddulph
Twitter (@kimbiddulph, @schprehistory)
Prehistories Blog
Hannah Sackett
Twitter (@DrHcomics)
The "Other" Prehistories Blog
Katy Whitaker
Twitter (@artefactual_kw)
Artefactual Blog