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The Sunnyside? - CRMArch 308

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The Sunnyside? - CRMArch 308
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

During these uncertain times in our discipline, it is easy and understandable to be assuming the worst. However, in order to ride any storm, it is important to have a broad perspective and prepare for all outcomes. On this episode, Andrew and Heather consider various perspectives of the current state of CRM in light of the most recent executive orders and the laying off of federal archaeologists. We consider both the shadowy and sunny side of the proverbial CRM street and provide some potential avenues of action.

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Section 106 goes to court? What do the recent changes to NEPA and NHPA mean for CRM? - CRMArch 307

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Section 106 goes to court? What do the recent changes to NEPA and NHPA mean for CRM? - CRMArch 307
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

The crew discusses the recent changes to NEPA and NHPA and how these job creation programs for lawyers will affect CRM… or not.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to

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Executive Orders and Impact on CRM - CRMArch 306

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Executive Orders and Impact on CRM - CRMArch 306
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

What is the future of CRM in the United States? There is a myriad of reasons why professional archaeologists might be pondering this question. Recently, many are wondering how the Executive Orders newly signed by President Trump will impact both the implementation and business of historic preservation. The CRM podcast hosts are joined by Spencer Pelton of the Substack newsletter Social Stigma and author of some insightful articles about this very subject. This podcast is a must listen for anyone concerned about what these EOs will mean for our profession and interested in a consideration of the facts and potential solutions.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to


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CA Fires and Federal Assistance - CRMArch 305

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CA Fires and Federal Assistance - CRMArch 305
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

In Episode 305, the podcasters discuss the lamentably destructive fires currently ablaze in Los Angeles and CRM’s response to this disaster. We talk about how rebuilding from this tremendous loss of life and property will address historic properties and archaeological deposits despite the State of California’s robust regulatory frameworks. This episode is a must for anyone doing cultural resource management in the United States in the wake of a natural disaster.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to

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2025 New Year's Resolutions! - CRMArch 304

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2025 New Year's Resolutions! - CRMArch 304
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

The crew discuses their New Years Resolutions, past and present.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to

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BS at the beginning, BS at the end. How to Recognize IT before it's too late - CRMArch 303

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BS at the beginning, BS at the end. How to Recognize IT - CRMArch 303
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

When a project or relationship starts poorly, it usually ends poorly. The panelist discuss how to recognize problems early in projects, relationships, and more.


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to

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How Will the Next 4 Years Change CRM? - CRMArch 302

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How Will the Next 4 Years Change CRM? - CRMArch 302
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

As the old adage goes, the one constant in life is change. How we react and prepare for change can make the difference in how it impacts our life -negatively or positively. This is part 1 of a 2 part series on how the next US presidential administration may affect the future of archaeology. Part 1 focuses on the academic side of our discipline; part 2 on CRM. Change is inevitable but growth is optional. How will you react?


  • For rough transcripts of this episode go to

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Where are the white students? - CRMArch 301

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Where are the white students? - CRMArch 301
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

The crew discusses a news article about the changing demographics of college campuses.


  • For a transcript of this episode go to


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300 Episodes: Did we make a difference? - CRMArch 300

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300 Episodes: Did we make a difference? - CRMArch 300
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

As we record episode 300 we reflect on the last 299 episodes and 11 years of podcasting. Did we make a difference in anyone’s career? Was it all worth it? Should we keep going? We go deep on this one. Here’s to 300 more and good luck to Heather at the helm of the next chapter of the CRM Archaeology Podcast.


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What's your end game, final job and retirement? - CRMArch 299

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What's your end game, final job and retirement? - CRMArch 299
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

What’s your plan? Do you have a plan for retirement? We don’t just mean financially. What do you want to do when you “grow up” in archaeology or cultural resources management? Do you want to teach? Do you want to run a company? Where do you see yourself in 25 years? We ask, and answer, the tough questions on this week’s episode.


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Making Your Vehicle CRM-Worthy: Accessories, Add-ons, Extras, and Bad Choices - CRMArch 298

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Making Your Vehicle CRM-Worthy: Accessories, Add-ons, Extras, and Bad Choices - CRMArch 298
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

We’ve talked in the past about the best vehicles for CRM, but what are the best accessories to make your ride the envy of the other shovelbums? Are some add-ons better left off? Join us as we pimp your ride CRM style.


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The Challenges of Remote Work - CRMArch 297

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The Challenges of Remote Work - CRMArch 297
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

The Nitty Gritty of the Remote Work Model - The remote work model is here to stay but the argument regarding it needs to move past “yes” or “no” to establishing strategies to make it most beneficial for the employee and employer. Like any management model, there are complexities that require considerations of unique circumstances; this is key to the success of remote work or it risks just being the next fad.


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Why Work a 10-4 Rotation and Other Cycles? - CRMArch 296

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Why Work a 10-4 Rotation and Other Cycles? - CRMArch 296
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

We received a listener question (submit yours to about how hard it is for someone with a family to work a 10-4 rotation. On today’s episode we talk about why companies work 10-4, 9-5, 8-6, and 5-2 cycles and how they should decide which ones to work. What considerations should they make regarding their staff and field crews when deciding? Please submit your questions to the show!


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How do you signal? - CRMarch 295

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How do you signal? - CRMarch 295
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

This week the crew discusses how the choices you make can signal to peers, employers, and other professionals. They cover email sign offs, LinkedIn and more!


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Farewell to Richie Cruz and Healthcare in CRM - CRMArch 294

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Farewell to Richie Cruz and Healthcare in CRM - CRMArch 294
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

On today’s episode we bid farewell to our good friend Richie Cruz. Richie lost his battle with cancer on July 26th, 2024 in his 30s. He was a CRM Archaeologist and has been on many episodes across the APN and hosted a show called, “You Call This Archaeology” that played mostly on YouTube and Facebook Live. We remember Richie and talk about healthcare in CRM.



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Heather's origin story - Ep 293

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Heather's origin story - CRMArch 293
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

In this episode we explore how one of our panelists, Heather, began her career in archaeology. From professional hockey referee to archaeology and everything before and after.


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Dress To Impress - CRMArch 292

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Dress To Impress - CRMArch 292
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

As archaeologists we tend to dress a certain way in the field. But for interviews, conferences, and other occasions we need to dress a bit differently. Andrew, Doug, and Heather give their advice on what to wear when you need to dress to impress.



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Why Does CRM Pay So Little? - CRMArch 291

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Why Does CRM Pay So Little? - CRMArch 291
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

This week’s episode comes from a listener question. Richard wants to know why archaeologists get paid so little? We give our reasons. Submit your questions at the APN website!


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Unions in Archaeology - CRMArch 290

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Unions in Archaeology - CRMArch 290
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

Join the crew for a discussion about the history of unions and why they have been slowing losing power over the years. Also they discuss their personal experience with unions, and how that could or should apply to crm companies.



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Are archaeologists grossly underpaid? - CRMArch 289

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Are archaeologists grossly underpaid? - CRMArch 289
APN - The CRM Arch Crew

Is it true that archaeologists are grossly underpaid across the board? Is there current opportunity for fair compensation? What does “commensurate with experience” mean?


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