Just the Boyz But It’s Revolutionary Part II (Do not operate heavy machinery or drive while listening to this episode) - Ruins 61

In this episode, we continue talking about the Revolutionary War, aka the War for American Freedom, aka ‘Merica War’.

We hope this one is more factual and just as hilarious as Episode 57.

We recount the events following the Crossing of the Delaware River, highlight Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga, the winter at Valley Forge, the alliance between France and the US, and how this alliance changed the outcome of the war, with some archaeological case studies sprinkled throughout the narrative. We get into a discussion about the traitorous Benedict Arnold and his relationship to Eggs Benedict, the Articles of Confederation, and the end of the war.

We spend some time promoting the importance of battlefield archaeology and its importance for learning more about the War for American Independance. We end the snoozer with some ridiculous banter.

Literature recommendations

LiDar Documentation of Historical Sites

Valley Forge Bayonets article

Battlefield Archaeology at Kings Mountain

The importance of battlefield archaeology


