
A New Maya Kingdom, What's an Anchoress? And paving over Miami's history - Ep 205

Experimental Archaeology - Ep 188

In the subfield of experimental archaeology, researchers use historic and pre-historic methods and materials to recreate different artifacts and items in the archaeological record. By doing this we learn how peoples of the past made the things we find during excavation, which adds to the context of the life people lived at that particular time period. This week we discuss 3 examples of experimental archaeology in the news including the boomerang as a multi-use tool, how large pots were created in Crete, and the reinterpretation of an artifact found at Sutton Hoo.

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A Chat With British Archaeologist Sir Barry Cunliffe - Episode 26

Today we talk to Sir Barry Cunliffe, a British archaeologist and Oxford University professor. Sir Barry has worked all over the UK and Europe, written many books, and influenced British archaeology. This is an awesome chat about his career and directions in British archaeology.

Oxford University Press is offering a 30% discount on On the Ocean Pre-Orders and some of Barry's other books. Use the code at checkout: AAFLYG6

