
Conclusive evidence that Vikings arrived well before Columbus - Ep 242

On this week’s news episode we start with two stories about slavery. The first comes from the discovery of a 2000 year old child’s show found in an Austrian mine. The second is from Ghana and the discovery of Britain’s first slave fort in Africa. Finally, we learn about conclusive evidence of Vikings arriving in the Americas well before Columbus.





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  • Liquid I.V.

A Teen with a Bracelet, Ancient Brazilians, and an Awful story about a Slave Ship - Ep 227

For some reason we have a Brazilian-themed show today…we start with the recovered skeletal remains of a teenager with a debilitating disease with an intricate bead bracelet. Then we look at an impossibly old site with jewelry made by very ancient Brazilians. Finally, we look at the discovery of a ship scuttled by a truly terrible person during the slave trade years.


Segment 1:




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  • Liquid I.V.

Ancient Inequality, A Slave Ship and Giant Statues - Ep 175

Pompeii Slave's Rooms, Homo Naledi, and ancient theater toilets - Ep 146

We've got three news stories for you again this week. The first is about a find at Pompeii, where they are always finding cool things, that's different from most. Archaeologists have found what they think are slave's quarters, an underrepresented group in the archaeological assemblage. Next we have some new thoughts after a recent reconstruction of the 300kyo Homo naledi. Finally, archaeologists get really excited about 2000 year old toilets in Turkey.





"Born a Slave, Died a Pioneer", the Nathan Harrison Story with Dr. Seth Mallios - Ep 77

Dr. Seth Mallios joins April and Chris to talk about his new book, “Born a Slave, Died a Pioneer: Nathan Harrison and the Historical Archaeology of Legend” (2020 Berghahn Books). Nate Harrison had a long life and an amazing story, from his birth into slavery in Kentucky, to the gold mines of northern California’s Gold Rush, and to the hills of San Diego. Join us while we learn about the amazing life of Nathan Harrison as told through historical documents and archaeological research.


