
Shipworms, Head Lice, and Cracking Skulls - Ep 207

It’s a news episode again! This week we talk about a shipwreck from the 1800s that washed up on the shore in Massachusetts in the US. Then we head over to the other side of the world and see what was so important it had to be written on a comb. And finally, we look at some experimental archaeology that cracked some skulls with ancient stone tools.





Neolithic Drum Sculpture, Homo Sapiens in Europe, and the Coronado Expedition - Ep 159

Scottish Petroglyphs, Lithic Dating, and CRM in Wyoming - Ep 126

This week we have 3 stories of Archaeology in the news. First, the oldest petroglyphs in Scotland, and also the only animal shapes, were discovered by an amateur archaeologist. Second, we discuss new developments in lithic dating using OSL. And finally, a large scale environmental survey on an Air Force base is announced in Wyoming.




Laotian Jars, Oldest African Human Burial, and Saudi Arabian Stone Rectangles - Ep 122

This week we discuss three interesting archaeology stories in the news. First, new dating techniques are used to date Laos' field of jars. Then, we discuss the oldest known homo sapien burial found in Africa. Finally, excavations of mustatils in Saudi Arabia shed some light on what these structures were used for.



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Archaeology of a Country with some News - Ep 121