
The Harris Matrix w/ Edward Harris Himself - Episode 13

Chris Webster sits down with Edward Harris and Cinzia Perlingieri at SAA2017 to talk about the Harris Matrix - a stratigraphic model that allows archaeologists to see time on archaeological sites. It is based upon the unravelling of the stratification of the site, its surfaces and strata, to compile the stratigraphic sequence of a site; the essential task of the excavating archaeologist. Listen to this illuminating episode for more!



Jamestown w/ David Givens - Episode 11

On today's episode Chris and April talk to Senior Staff Archaeologist at Jamestown Rediscovery, David Givens. David talks about the history of Jamestown, the archaeology, and where they're going from here.



Signal Towers on the Irish Coast - Episode 9

Today we talk to Stuart Rathbone, archaeologist that's worked in the UK, the Irish Republic, and the United States. Stuart will talk about his work with the fascinating Irish Signal Towers that line the Irish Coast and date to the very early 1800s. We'll also talk to Stuart about the differences between CRM work in the UK and Ireland and the United States.



Landscapes and Vikings in Sweden - Episode 5

On today's show we talk to Swedish archaeologist and blogger, Dr. Martin Rundkvist, about his work in Sweden. Dr. Rundkvist has some interesting work on landscape archaeology and has worked on a number of Viking sites.

