archaeology — Modern Myth with Tristan Boyle

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The Modern Myth of MWAH with Rosie Loftus - Ep 10 - Modern Myth

Content warning : Discussion about Harassment and mentions of sexual assault

Today's episode features Rosie Loftus, Assistant Supervisor for CFA Archaeology, based in the UK. She is also one of the founding members of Mentoring Women in Archaeology and Heritage.We discuss the creation of MWAH and the kind of efforts it supports, and explore examples of why such a group may be necessary in our current world.

Resources for this episode:




Music proivided by Danny Boyle

The Modern Myth of Foreign Policy with Dylan Burns - Modern Myth - Episode 8

This is a very special episode of Modern Myth. We are talking all about foreign policy, what it is, how it affects our lives and why it is important that we are open about it. In this episode I talk to the youngest foreign policy advisor in the United States of America, Dylan Burns about foreign policy and its connection to heritage and history. We discuss modern conflicts and the relations between countries as well as what it means for repatriation in the future. 

Also at the end of the discussion because this was livestreamed with Dylan, I answered some of the questions given to me in the chat.

Resources for this episode:




Music proivided by Danny Boyle

Halloween Archaeohorror Stories Feat. Liz Pearson and Ellery Thomas - Modern Myth

Spooky Scary archaeologists!

This podcast is an anthology of creative stories, all within the theme of Halloween and a little bit of heritage.

Content Warning: Body Horror, Depressive thoughts, violence.

The first story is "Mud", written and narrated by Tristan Boyle, it is the story of a field archaeologist who is confronting a sickening realisation.

The next piece is a song called Nan Tuck, by Chalk Horse Music. Liz (of Chalk Horse Music) describes a witch legend in the County of Sussex where I live in the UK. It involves a woman that lived in the 16th century, Nan Tuck, which became the inspiration for this song.

The final story, Eternal Rest, written by Tristan and read by Ellery Thomas tells of a museum conservator who's accidentally damage turns into horror.

Thanks to Liz and Ellery for their contributions, you can find their work at the following links:

Resources for this episode:




Music provided by Danny Boyle

Farewell Persephone - Episode 47

Archaeology News With an Edge
Farewell Persephone - Episode 47
APN - Tristin

Today Tristan discusses and ruminates on death, funerary practices, and where archaeology fits into all of it.

Tristan’s views do necessarily reflect the views of the network or his friends.

Tweet at your own risk @anarchaeologist or email

Music Credit: All music in this episode was created by Danny Boyle
“Rědna Łužyca” and “Alone at bar at 3am” are both copyright to Danny Boyle – contact @OhDannyBoyle for more information.

Jason Lau


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We Are The Decay - Episode 46

Anarch-1 2017.jpg

Launching what he calls “The Archaeologist’s Manifesto” Tristan is back again (after another hiatus) and will be bringing a propaganda fuelled monthly podcast to your ears. Todays episode focuses on Decay and what that means in modern society – looking at how histories are treated and whether forgetting a history is as bad as damaging it for other ideological reasons. 
Tristan’s views do necessarily reflect the views of the network or his friends

Tweet at your own risk @anarchaeologist or email

Music Credit: All music in this episode was created by Danny Boyle
“Corpse Song” and “Alone at bar at 3am” are both copyright to Danny Boyle – contact @OhDannyBoyle for more information.

Jason Lau

We Are The Decay - Episode 46
APN - Tristin

You Can Do it - Episode 43 - Anarchaeologist

Today’s episode trials a new format of the Anarchaeologist podcast, now on a monthly release schedule (adhering to anything wouldn't be very anarchistic would it?).  Tristan talks about getting involved with projects and taking part in the world, and more importantly why everyone should feel at least they have some chance to do something worthwhile. A special recording is provided by Dr. Chloe Duckworth a.k.a. ArchaeoDuck. And for the first time on the network we hear from the 5YR Leader and his opinions on archaeology.



Archaeoduck – YoutubeTweeter

Anarchaeologist – Tweeter


You Can Do it - Episode 43
Tristan Boyle/Chris Webster (Guest Dr. Chloe Duckworth)

I Vouch For Poucher - Episode 42

Back in January, I spoke to the wonderful Cath Poucher, who runs the CPD Hertiage Blog and is part of the CIfA Equality and Diversity committee. In this conversation we discuss Stonehenge, Archaeological Twitter, being visible online and what its like to leave archaeology as a career.

 Recorded in a 'dungeon' In the Bodleian Library







We Will Be the Decay - Episode 41

Today's episode is an attempt to take on the #Archmanifesto "The Archaeologist's Manifesto" - a political slice of archaeology. In this episode, Tristan talks the new Stonehenge tunnel, why the past is important and why the discussion about what we support in history through the allocation of resources. Shout out to Evelyn on twitter who answered the hashtag #archmedia (@dingledodie77) 

We Will Be The Decay - Episode 41
Tristan Boyle / Chris Webster


The world has gone mad! At once decrying the death of heritage in the middle east by terrorist hands and then squeezing in the end of archaeology in the uk as we know it. I, the anarchaeologist, will topple the tyrannical narrative and try show the other side of the argument and why archaeologists over the uk are worried.


UK Petition

Social Media

@Anarchaeologist - Twitter IG

Hark Thy Hands Are of Iconoclasts - Anarchaeologist - Episode 36
Tristan Boyle - APN

Palmyra Must Fall - Episode 35

"The Echoes of the Past speak louder than any voice I hear right now" - Farewell Mona Lisa, The Dillinger Escape Plan

Words that have much meaning in today's iconophilic traditionalist society where the comical giants of politics saunter around proclaiming that simplybuilding 3D scanned monuments will somehow undo the damage done. Well don't hold out for any sympathies, because what the Palmyra reconstruction shows is that monumental heritage is more important than people.

If there are unjustices and debate in the public sphere concerning the past then let us as archaeologists not shy away, let us challenge the status quo, let's bring humanity back into the centre of archaeology.

Palmyra Must Fall - Episode 35
Tristan Boyle - APN

He's not Dead, he was only busy - Anarchaeologist - Episode 34

Guess who’s back with a brand new track, Tristan opens his first line of attack; pointing out his inability to hold to his own schedule. In this episode the Anarchaeologists meanders through the last few months including talking about the Hidden Heritage Conference in Dorchester and the CIfA conference in Leicester, mentioning people he’s met and things he has picked up. Sorry about the delay in releases, I will catch up very quickly, there is a lot of people on my pod list right now.





Internet Archaeology


Social Media

@Anarchaeologist Twitter/IG

Talllankyteapot SnapCha 

He's Not Dead, He was Only Busy - Anarchaeologist - Episode 34
Tristan Boyle - APN

QUB a Dub Dub 2 - David Bell and Jill Almond

David Bell and I sit down to talk theory, being a mature student and most importantly of all, swords. We meander through the physical parts of archaeology and how an engineer became an archaeologist studying swords. And of course David explains the difference between a knife, a halberd and a rapier.


Jill Almond is studying architecture in asylums in both Ireland and Scotland and compairing the uses of space to create different environment. We discuss what archaeology is and the wide variety of archaeologists that exist within the research environment.







QUB a Dub Dub 2 : David Bell And Jill Almond
Tristan Boyle - APN

QUB a Dub Dub - Belfast University Archaeologists

You could say I am in my element with this weeks show; part one of 2 of the wonderful conversations that I had with the wonderful people from Queen's University Belfast Geography Archaeology Paleoecology Group. 





QUB a Dub Dub - Rena & Svetlana
Anarchaeologist Podcast - APN

Anarchaeologist Speaks: Used History and Lead Objects - Episode 28

Today Tristan takes on the news in his usual rambling tones. The topics covered are from a number of different sources (listed below); with many modern discussions using history in hyperbolic ways to justify action and inaction, its time to step back and see how the past is used.

Recently a lead object was found in Israel, possibly suggesting very early metal work.

Anarchaeologist Speaks: Used History and Lead Objects - Episode 28
Tristan Boyle/Chris Webster - APN



  • Tristan​
    • Twitter - @Anarchaeologist
    • Instagram - TheAnarchaeologist
    • Email -

Working all day, Eco Homes and Palmayra - Anarchaeologist Speaks - Episode 27

Hello and welcome to another "I can't get a guest speaker so I am just going to ramble on anyway" episode. Today's episode is a bit more knowledgable than usual since I have now actually worked out in a field and not just poured over a textbook. I also wanted to talk about the recent news story of the ancient "Eco-home" and why that may a problem name and finally I talk a little about how people react to you telling them you're an archaeologist, or at least Anarchaeologist

Tweet Tristan @Anarchaeologist

Or Read the Blog


Working all day, Eco Homes and Palmayra - Anarchaeologist Speaks - Episode 27
Tristan Boyle - APN

Stephen Reid Of Immersive Minds - Episode 25

tephen Reid of Immersive minds takes us on a journey, from his time in call centres to his current business of using technology to educate. In particular, Stephen’s work on Minecraft recreations of historic buildings have taken the internet by storm with Penicuik House and Geocaching in Minecraft.

Episode 25: Stephen Reid of Immersive Minds
APN - Tristan Boyle

I take the tough questions to Stephen about using videogames to help educate children and what the challenges and benefits are; Does Call of Duty belong in the classroom? Does Tetris have the answer?

Stephen believes in immersion and you will too by the end of this episode.

Remember to check out the rest of the Podcast Network for more great shows, especially since now we have Kim Biddulph’s Prehistories .

Share this episode with your friends and colleagues and tell them about the Archaeology Podcast Network

Episode 19: Zenobie Wan Has Taught me Well

Todays episode transcends the atlantic ocean to bring the wonderful Zenobie Garrett, Archaeologist living in New York but originally from Illinoise. We talk Mediveal archaeology and how it isn’t what you normally expect and how public archaeology is the most important thing we can engage in. I comment on the culture of archaeologists and Zenobie drops a few puns. We talk about what archaeology is and why we were both drawn to it.

Resources for this episode:

  • Find Zenobie on twitter @ZenobieWan




Episode 18 : Archaeodeath : Discussing the Pestiferous


Today we go into the depths of death; to the bottom of the pit to discover the man behind the blog Archaeodeath. Today's guest is Proffessor Howard Williams of the University of Chester, England. Here we discuss the meaning of death in archaeology and the role of Mortuary Archaeology as a specialisation. Despite this morbid topic, we have a wonderful chat about comedy, humour and not being super serious all the time (in fact sometimes it pays to be funny). Professor Williams explains the story behind his recent blog post on studying cemeteries. 

We also talk about who can speak out and what it means to be offensive  as a Professor in a University or as a young career archaeologist.

I discuss how metal and archaeology can come together and what the best rap battle between archaeologists could be.

Resources for this episode:

  • If you want to check out Professor Williams' Blog you can find it here, and if you want to follow him on Twitter click here


  • Head on over to the Archaeology Podcast Network for more great shows!

  • If you want to contact me : or




The Anarchaeologist Speaks - Cannibalism, Picts and Online Resources

Hello everyone, apologies for last week's no show - this week I'll bring an extra  special The Anarchaeologist Speaks - which it seems is becoming a more regular feature, especially for those who like me talking for around 15 minutes

Resources for this episode:

  • Archaeotech Live

    Cannibalism in Gough's Cave -

    Pictish Fort in North East Scotland -

     Roman Burial Online resource -


    Twitter - Podcasts

    @Davidmaier7 - Podcast without Borders

    @StrangerCons - Stranger Conversations

    @Musingsofashibe -  Musings Of a Shibe 

    @wiretechgirl @AngelsFreak7 - Dark Angels Pretty Freaks

    @liarcitypodcast _ liar City Podcast

    @poddigest - Podcast Digest




Episode 16 Electric Archaeology with Shawn Graham

Today's episode we enter the electric zone of archaeology with our guide Shawn Graham. Talking about his blog and how it has led through his identity as an academic starting off and how it got him the job he has now because of it.

We talk about Public archaeology and what it means and how we can deal with it.


And interestingly, how do archaeologists interact with each other?


Best summed up "There's no point in doing work for the audience of one"







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