Episode 24 : Robert "The M stands for Mischevious" Chapple

Hello Everyone and welcome back to the Anarchaeologist podcast! It's been a while but we are coming back swinging with an absolute belter of an episode. Today I am speaking to the wonderful Robert M Chapple - a man infamous (they say) because of a Crannog in Ireland and a 'recovering archaeologist'. Adding to this we bring up having a reputation in archaeology (undeserved or otherwise) and how to survive outside the world of archaeology. 

This has a lot of accent in it. 

Remember to follow me @Anarchaeologist and @ArchPodNet on Twitter for updates and you'll definitely want to follow @RMChapple too  




Music proivided by In An Instant, thank you to Mark Hegan for permission check out all his music for use of their music - which you can check out here