New methods for dating rock art with Kirk Astroth - Ep 34

In this week's episode, Dr. Alan Garfinkel interviews Kirk Astroth about new and innovative methods he used to date rock art for his masters thesis. Kirk used a combination of established methods and new technology to date panels containing prehistoric, historic, as well as modern rock art. He came to several interesting conclusions, as well as identified ways to continue developing this new direction in rock art dating.




La Rumarosa and the Kumeyaay with Dr. Don Liponi - Ep 33

Dr. Don Liponi joins the Rock Art podcast again to talk about his ongoing work and publications regarding La Rumarosa rock art and the Kumeyaay people. His publications are bringing light to this fantastic rock art and the people that created it, and, is helping the Kumeyaay people directly.




Numic Scratched - Ep 32

On past episodes we've talked about "scratched" rock art as a style. Today we're going to talk about the California and western United States expression of that style, "Numic Scratched". What is it, where do you find it, how old is it, and how is it related to women?




Barrier Canyon Style Rock Art of Utah with David Sucec - Ep 31

David Sucec is Director of the Barrier Canyon Style (BCS) Rock Art of Utah. BCS is one of the more remarkable rock art expressions in North America. It dates from as early as 7,000 to 2,000 years ago and is mainly a polychrome painted style. The patterned expressions adorn the dramatic canyons of the spectacular Utah topography. The images are haunting and consist of very small but many times very large images of decorated and "floating" spirit figures. Sucec has dedicated over 30 years to the proper recording of this world class rock art tradition through detailed photographic imaging. Our discussion will focus on why has Barrier Canyon rock been so evocative and intriguing. We are honored to have Sucec share the story of his odyssey with BCS!




Rock Art Dating with Dr. Alan Garfinkel - Ep 30

In archaeology there are many ways to date a site, feature, or artifact. The dating game with rock art is no different. What are some of the more common methods? Which ones aren't so common but work on some sites? Can you use other archaeological sites to date rock art panels? We talk about these topics and more on this week's episode.


