Bears Ears Rock Art with Vaughn Hadenfelt - Episode 93

Today we talk Vaughn Hadenfelt of Friends of Friends of Ceder Mesa. With 30 years of experience as a guide and interpreter in Bears Ears National Monument, he comes on to talk to us about Rock Art. What is it? How do we date it? Can we read it like a book? He also gives us an update on the Status of Bears Ears. 




CBC, The Solutrean Hypothesis, and Jennifer Raff - Episode 92

Contact and Immigration In Archaeology - Episode 91

Today we talk about cultures south of the US border. We talk about what we expect to see, and do see, when early European cultures come in contact with Native American cultures. We also talk about immigration and how we can track that with archaeology. 


National Monuments dedicated to immigration and the experience of immigrants and African captives:


Welcome 2018 and Bears Ears Update - Episode 90

Welcome to the First episode of 2018! In this episode we talk about the effects of the recent EO on Bears Ears National Monument and other sites of significance. We debate the actual effects and reiterate the importance of these sites. We also talk about The podcast in 2017 and where we'd like to see it go in 2018. 

Shout out to everyone who's helped us grow this past year and all of our listeners. Here's to another great year on the APN! 



The Place of Stone - Dighton Rock with Douglas Hunter - Episode 89

Ken and Sara talk to author Douglas Hunter about his book linked below. The story of Dighton Rock and its relationship with the indigenous past is a fascinating tale.

