Walking Moai Statues with Fernanda Meneses - Episode 79

Today we talk with Fernanda Maneses about the mysterious Easter Island statues. We talk about the actual history of the Moai statues, the culture that created them, and the many different ways these iconic statures have been used by the fringe and popular culture alike.



Produced by Chris Webster and Tristan Boyle

Hobby Lobby and the Illegal Antiquities Trade with Donna Yates - Episode 78

Today we talk with Dr. Donna Yates about the recent Hobby Lobby decision and the illegal antiquities trade. What was Hobby Lobby doing, how does this fit into looting and the antiquities trade, and what exactly is this new Museum of the Bible in DC thing?



Produced by Chris Webster and Tristan Boyle

Indiana Jones and Pseudoarchaeology - Episode 77

Islam, ISIS, and Black Market Artifacts with Nathan French - Episode 76

Today we talk with Nathan French from the University of Miami, Ohio. Nathan talks with us about Islam and the destruction of archaeological sites and artifacts in Isis controlled areas. We also talk about artifacts funneled into the black market by Isis and fleeing refugees.



roduced by Chris Webster and Tristan Boyle

Antiquities Laws and Regulations - Episode 75

On today's episode, Sara, Jeb, and Ken talk about some of the big antiquities laws that are impacting resources around the country. These laws are in the news lately and it's important to know where they came from, what they do, and why they need to stick around for a while.



roduced by Chris Webster and Tristan Boyle