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TAS LIVE: Mexican Pre-History - TAS 298

TAS LIVE: Mexican Pre-History - TAS 298
APN - Chris and Rachel

On a warm sunny day in February Chris and Rachel set up on the beach in Mexico with a live audience and a virtual one to talk about the prehistory of Mexico. Of course they started with tacos!




TAS LIVE: Gladiator 2 Review - TAS 297

TAS LIVE: Gladiator 2 Review - TAS 297
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week, we share the live recording of TAS from the 10th anniversary celebration back in December. We deep dive the Gladiator movies and talk about what they got right and wrong in the movies about who gladiators were. We also look at how accurately (or not!) some of the real historical figures were portrayed in the movies.




Written in the Waters: An interview with author Tara Roberts - TAS 296

Written in the Waters: An interview with author Tara Roberts - TAS 296
APN - Chris and Rachel

Today, Chris interviews explorer and author Tara Roberts. She dove and worked with Diving with a Purpose, a non-profit organization that excavated underwater wrecks of slave ships. She tells the stories of the slave ships and the people doing the work. We talk about her career and her journey to writing the book.





The Oldest? Really? - TAS 295

The Oldest? Really? - TAS 295
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week we found several news stories claiming that they had new evidence for an artifact or site being “the oldest…” Join us for a discussion on whether we think these claims are accurate!



  • For rough transcripts head over to https://archpodnet.com/archaeology/295




Prehistoric Cannibalism?! - TAS 294

Prehistoric Cannibalism?! - TAS 294
APN - Chris and Rachel

On today’s show we talk about three recent news stories including prehistoric cannibalism in Poland, a WWI era German soldier buried in a 2000 year old Roman villa, and a cutting edge new technology where the mitochondrial DNA of soil is analyzed in Spain.



  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




Neolithic Sun Stones, Hidden Incan Tunnels and Powerful Celtic Women - TAS 293

Neolithic Sun Stones, Hidden Incan Tunnels and Powerful Celtic Women - TAS 293
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week we cover three archaeology news stories. First, we look at “sun stones” that may have been buried as a ritual to bring back the sun after a volcanic eruption. Then, researchers in Peru think they have found an underground network of Incan tunnels in Cuzcos. Finally, women are found to have more power than previously thought in a Celtic group in Britain.



  • For rough transcripts head over to https://archpodnet.com/archaeology/293




Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 Review - Part 2 - TAS 292

Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 Review - Part 2 - TAS 292
APN - Chris and Rachel

This is the second half of our conversation about Season 2 of Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix. If you haven’t heard the first part, you will want to listen to that first. In this episode we cover the rest of the episodes and give our final thoughts on Graham Hancocks “theories.”


  • For rough transcripts head over to https://archpodnet.com/archaeology/292




Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 Review - Part 1 - TAS 291

Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 Review - Part 1 - TAS 291
APN - Chris and Rachel

Well, we finally did it. On today’s episode we cover Netflix’s Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 with Graham Hancock. We actually have so much to talk about that it takes two episodes. This is episode one where we make it to talking about Rapa Nui.



  • For rough transcripts head over to https://archpodnet.com/archaeology/291




The Archaeology of Moana 2 - TAS 290

Recently, we went to see the movie Moana 2 with our little nieces and we ended up enjoying it so much more than we expected! But, of course, we had to ask the question, how accurate is the story and characters behind the Moana franchise? In this episode we deep dive the history, archaeology, myths, and Polynesian culture on which these movies are based.



The Archaeology of Moana 2 - TAS 290
APN - Chris and Rachel
  • For rough transcripts head over to https://archpodnet.com/archaeology/290




The Mayan Calendar Has Been Solved! - TAS 289

The Mayan Calendar Has Been Solved! - TAS 289
APN - Chris and Rachel

We’ve got a partial theme today but we start with 9000 year old bread making in the near east! We then go to Maya country for a double header. We start with 4000 year old fishing canals build buy the predecessors to the Maya and then talk about a possible solution to the Maya long count calendar.



  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.




Sharks in the Colosseum! #fakenews - TAS 288

Sharks in the Colosseum! #fakenews - TAS 288
APN - Chris and Rachel

We get back to the news this week! We start with a cool site from Sweden where…it’s all ritual! Next we go to the Iberian Peninsula and learn about a Neanderthal glue factory, sort of. Finally, we talk about what Hollywood gets wrong, and right, about gladiators after seeing Gladiator II.



  • For a transcript of this episode, tap the Zencastr icon on in the upper left corner of the Podcast image.



Famous Pompeii Casts Are Not Who They Seem - TAS 287

Famous Pompeii Casts Are Not Who They Seem - TAS 287
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week we cover 3 recent archaeology news stories that showcase the bias of both journalists and researchers. First, 12,000 year old spindle whirls may be early evidence of the wheel. Then, we head to Pompeii where DNA evidence is showing the modern bias researchers have about personal adornment. And finally, Indigenous populations in Columbia are sharing their cultural knowledge about local Pictographs, and not surprisingly it is different from the assumptions drawn by past researchers.



  • For rough transcripts head over to https://archpodnet.com/archaeology/287




Alexander the Great's (Alleged) Tunic - TAS 286

Alexander the Great's (Alleged) Tunic TAS 286
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week we take a look at 3 recent news stories that supposedly solved a famous historical mystery. First up, the identity of the famous “horeseman” burial has possibly been identified. Then, a scrap of fabric from a tomb in Greece may have belonged to Alexander the Great. Finally, archaeologists have “solved” the mystery of the Roanoake’s lost colony. Were any of these mysteries truly solved? You decide!





A Flooded Tomb Reveals Its Secrets - TAS 285

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A Flooded Tomb Reveals Its Secrets - TAS 285
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week we check back in with recent archaeology in the news! First, we look at new research on the oldest known battlefield in Europe. Then, we take a look a home renovation in France that turned into an early medieval cemetery excavation! And finally, a flooded Kushite tomb in Sudan is finally revealing it’s secrets thanks to the work of underwater archaeologists.





National Museum of the American Indian and Washington DC - TAS 284

National Museum of the American Indian and Washington DC - TAS 284
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week we talk out our recent visit to Washington DC where we went to The National Museum of the American Indian, Ford’s Theater, the National Archives and the National Museum of Natural History.





UNEARTHED - The Mystery of the Shaman Woman - 2024 Arkhaios Grand Prize Winner - TAS 283

UNEARTHED - The Mystery of the Shaman Woman - 2024 Arkhaios Grand Prize Winner - TAS 283
APN - Chris and Rachel

Today’s episode is a special one where we interview Director Christian Stiefenhofer. In the first segment he gets a special announcement from Arkhaios Film Festival founder Jean F. Guilleux. We discuss the amazing documentary that Christian and his team put together and in the last segment, Rachel and Chris wrap up the show with a discussion about the film.

Youtube: https://youtu.be/3VWgYoOok9Y




Identity, Oppression, and Diversity in Archaeology with Laura Heath-Stout - TAS 282

Identity, Oppression, and Diversity in Archaeology with Laura Heath-Stout - TAS 282
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week, postdoctoral scholar Laura Heath-Stout joins Chris for a conversation about her upcoming book Identity, Oppression, and Diversity in Archaeology. They explore how the lack of diversity in the field of archaeology has influenced our perception of ancient history, and how this can and should change.





The 2024 Arkhaios Film Festival - TAS 281

The 2024 Arkhaios Film Festival - TAS 281
APN - Chris and Rachel

The Arkhaios Film Festival is a free annual event that takes place every fall. It highlights the work of film makers working in the anthropology and archaeology space. This year the Archaeology Podcast Network participated in the jury selection process and we interviewed a few of the film makers. In this episode you’ll hear from Andrew Jones of Curiosity Trek and Alessio Consorte of The Last Shop, two of the short films that were selected.





Dealing With Your Demons, Medieval Style - TAS 280

Dealing With Your Demons, Medieval Style - TAS 280
APN - Chris and Rachel

This week we take a closer look at three archaeology news articles. In Norway, an archaeology rescue program is finding and recovering archaeological remains when they are exposed to air by glacial melt. Some of the artifacts are incredibly well preserved examples of organic material that normally doesn't survive the archaeological record. Then we head over to the United States and take a look at a new evidence at a paleolithic hunting camp in Michigan, where researchers have found evidence of what animals they were processing with the store tools. And finally, a medieval grave of a child in Poland appears to have been buried with extreme anti-vampire measures.





Time Bandits Review - TAS 279

Time Bandits Review - TAS 279
APN - Chris and Rachel

On today’s episode we review the surprisingly historically accurate Apple TV+ reboot of the movie Time Bandits. The new TV show, Time Bandits features a 10-episode season where a group of “bandits” travel through time meeting historical characters along the way. We talk about those characters and the real facts behind them, as well as what we liked about the show. They got a lot of the details right!





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