
Summer Blockbuster 3: Avatar - Ep 200

To wrap up our inaugural Summer Blockbuster series, Amber leads us on a mission to Pandora with Avatar (2009). Rather than exploration of the culture of the indigenous Na’vi population (or maybe in addition to), we’ll examine some of the philosophical underpinnings of the franchise and discuss the book that completely changed Amber's intellectual trajectory.

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Yes We Cant: Anti-Languages and Argots - Ep 163

Come along for an exploration of anti-languages and the qualities that make them successful in building community and maintaining safety among the people that develop them. From occupational jargon to survival as a marginalized group to being hip with the kids, we tour a few of these languages, and subject everyone to a 16th century dialogue with translation.





Linguistics and Endangered Languages with Dr. Chris Donlay - Ep 106

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Anna and Amber finally get some much-needed linguistics help from Dr. Chris Donlay. We talk about his unconventional academic path and his work recording and studying endangered languages! Plus, he schools us on how language shapes our perception of the world, how old spoken language *might* be, and what to do with a linguistics degree.



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It's Time to Talk About the Future - Ep 100

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This week, for our ONE HUNDREDTH EPISODE, Anna and Amber bend their brains around the archaeology of the future and the future of archaeology. What will excavation look like in 100, 1,000, or 5,000 years? What about human evolution? Human culture? Language? We come up with more questions than answers, and have a great time doing it. THANK YOU for getting us to Episode 100!




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Mark My Words: Linguistics! - Ep 81