Michael Ashley talks about the amazing work his company is doing with indigenous tribes around the world through Mukurtu.net. He makes a point at the end that we sometimes need to slow down and think about our data storage and that some data, should be allowed to be erased.
0010 - SAA2016 - Heritage Business International
Christopher Dore of HBI helps businesses navigate the difficult process of running a business. Check them out!
0009 - SAA2016 - Ran Boytner of IFR
Ran Boytner talks about the great field schools that they manage from around the world. This is an awesome program for anyone interested in taking a field school in diverse areas.
0008 - SAA2016 - Connie Ericsen Poetry Slam
Check out this AMAZING poetry slam from Connie Ericsen about presenting archaeology. She's a junior high school teacher and a performer. This is AWESOME!
0007 - SAA2016 - Open Context and DINAA
We talk to the people behind Open Context and the DINAA project about site records in the US.
0006 - SAA2016 - THEN - Carol Ellick
Carol Ellick talks about a new venture for heritage preservation and education, The Heritage Education Network.
0005 - SAA2016 - @lisacatto Websites
Lisa talks about her research into what makes an effective archaeology website and how she's working to make them better.
0004 - SAA2016 - Jennifer Payne
Interview with Jennifer Payne about her poster discussing 3D representation of a site in New Mexico.
0003 - SAA2016 - Dig-It Games
An interview with Dig-It Games about some great teaching games for archaeology. The math game using Mayan symbols is great!
0002 - SAA2016 - CrowdFunding for Research
Interview with the Anthropological Research Council about small crowdfunding grants for research.
0001 - SAA2016 - Webster Paper
This episode is the audio recording of Chris Webster's SAA2016 (Orlando) talk regarding podcasting and archaeology as public outreach.