The Archaeology of Games - Episode 19

On today's show we talk with ArchaeoGaming pioneer and expert, Andrew Reinhard. We find out what archaeogaming is and why it's important to the public. It's not just about the ethics of archaeology as represented in games, but, the games themselves.



Great Basin Prehistoric Sandals with Geoff Smith - Episode 18

On today's show we talk to Dr. Geoff Smith of the University of Nevada, Reno about a paper he co-authored in a recent issue of American Antiquity. It's all about dating sandals from a famous cave in northern Nevada, Last Supper Cave, and what they can tell us about the last 11,000 years of history and occupation in that area.



Is Science Racist - Jon Marks - Episode 17

I today's show we talk to Dr. Jonathan Marks about his latest publication, "Is Science Racist?". If science is racist, what can we do as citizens and scientists to combat that ideology? What can we do to rid science of it's racism? It's a complicated problem and we hope this starts some conversations.



Life in the Pueblo with Kathryn Kamp - Episode 16

On today's show April and Chris interview the author of a staple in many anthropology classes, "Life in the Pueblo" by Kathryn Kamp. This is a foundational book for many people and we talk about her motivation behind writing it and what's changed over the years. We also talk about children in the archaeological record and about how they aren't thought about enough when doing analysis.


130k-Year-Old Arch Site with Dr. Steven Holen - Special Episode

Today's show is a joint episode from the Archaeology Show and the CRM Archaeology Podcast. We talk to Dr. Steven Holen, the primary author on a letter in Nature at the end of April, 2017 detailing a site from San Diego, CA with an apparent 130,000 year old archaeological site. It's a controversial find and we try to get into the science and figure out what's going on and where we go from here.

Please, leave your comments here or on Social Media but listen to the episode and read the paper. It'll really help inform you about the situation and the findings.
