
New research links Native Americans with the Ancient Chinese - Ep 182

On todays show we take a look at 3 recent archaeological news stories. First, a new national park in Canada is being developed in corporation with the First Nations tribes in the area. Then, research at an ancient Iraqi fortress may be the remains of an ancient city that was previously lost. And finally, new analysis of DNA found in 14,000 year old modern human DNA in China has been linked to Native Americans.

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Canadian Residential Schools - Ep 127

A recent article discussing the discover of over 200 child burials in Canada has brought the Canadian Residential School system back into the light. The schools were for First Nations children to be indoctrinated into white society. They striped children of languangen and identity and forced them into gender-typical labor. it was a horrifying time in Canada that came to an end, in once case, in just 1996.





Where Everything Is Compared to Pyramids - Ep 84

This episode was recorded live on the APN’s Facebook page on January 26th, 2020 with Chris Webster and Richie Cruz. We talk about the article below, boats, cars, and other things barely related to archaeology!


