The Hitchhikers: the animals we didn’t really want to take with us but life, uh, finds a way (ARCHIVE) - Ep 42
What do the black rat and the grain weevil have in common? Learn more about the species mankind has ‘accidentally’ introduced, many now regarded as pests. Discover enchanting creatures such as the killer shrimp, and a beetle’s favourite past time.
Links and References
O’Connor, T. & Sykes, N. (Eds.) (2010) Extinctions and Invasions: A Social History of British Fauna, Windgather Press
Jones, R. (2015) House Guests House Pests: A Natural History of Animals in the Home London: Bloomsbury
Alex FitzpatrickTwitter: @archaeologyfitz
Simona FalangaTwitter: @CrazyBoneLady
Alex’s Blog: Animal Archaeology
Music "Coconut - (dyalla remix)"